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Bon Hoon Koo 3 Articles
Manifestation of Cognitive Function in Geriatric Patient with Subjective Memory Complaint.
Han Kyul Park, Jin Sung Kim, Jong Bum Lee, Wan Seok Seo, Bon Hoon Koo, Dai Seg Bai
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2010;27(1):27-36.   Published online June 30, 2010
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to find out cognitive function of the patients with subjective memory complaint. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From March 1st 2005 to May 31st 2009, 155 normal individuals without any medical illness who visited Yeungnam University Hospital to undergo medical checkup with neurocognitive test was enrolled, and checked by using Cognitive Assessment & Reference Diagnostic System. RESULTS: 107 of the patients had normal cognitive function, 21 patients (about 15%) were diagnosed with dementia, and 10 patients (about 7%) were diagnosed with considerable psychiatric illness, such as depression, anxiety disorder, adjustment disorder. CONCLUSION: Because the patients with subjective memory complaint can be diagnosed as any psychiatric illness as well as dementia, sensitive screening test and early psychiatric approach is needed.


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  • Effects of a Cognition Activation Program for the Institutionalized Old-Old in Korea
    Hung Sa Lee, Dohyun Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(4): 427.     CrossRef
Prognostic Factors in Postpsychotic Depressive Disorder of Schizophrenia.
Jin Sung Kim, Jong Bum Lee, Wan Seok Seo, Bon Hoon Koo, Yi Youg Kim, Jung Youp Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2005;22(2):150-165.   Published online December 31, 2005
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PURPOSE: This study was conducted to investigate the prognostic factors of postpsychotic depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty patients were selected based on the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV, PANSS and ESRS. For all patients information was collected on demographic and clinical characteristics. The subjective depressive symptoms and the objective depressive symptoms, as well as patients insight regarding psychosis were evaluated. The subjective depressive symptoms were evaluated by BDI and ZDS; the objective depressive symptoms were evaluated by HDRS and CDSS, and patient insight into the psychosis was evaluated by KISP. RESULTS: The comparisons using demographic and clinical characteristics showed that HDRS and CDSS had significant difference with regard to gender and suicide attempts; the BDI was associated with difference in education level and age of onset. The patients with scores above cuff-off score for each scale were 20 (25.0%) for the BDI, 16 (20.0%) for the ZDS, 18 (22.5%) for the CDSS and 6 (7.5%) for the HDRS. The results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the scores for the KISP, education levels, gender and suicide attempts were the main prognostic factors in patients with the psychotic depressive disorder of schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: The main prognostic factors in psychotic depressive disorder of schizophrenia included: insight into psychosis, suicidal attempts. Insight into the psychosis was the most reliable prognostic factor but this characteristic had a negative relationship to the with depressive symptoms.
The Relationship of Spiritual Well-being and Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Active Old Age.
Hyong Uk Youm, Seung Deuk Cheung, Wan Seok Seo, Bon Hoon Koo, Dai Seg Bai
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2005;22(1):27-42.   Published online June 30, 2005
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This study assessed the mental health, in order to determine the effect of the subject's spiritual well-being on anxiety depression and quality of life in active old people, and to verify whether or not spiritual well-being is a new factor for comprehensive health in old people. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study selected 184 old people aged over 65 years. The subject's spiritual well-being was assessed by the Korean Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWS) that was composed of the Religious Well-being Scale (RWS) and Existential Well-being Scale (EWS). The quality of life was assessed using Quality of Life Scale, which was composed of the subjective feeling about life and the subject's satisfaction of their whole life. RESULTS: Among the psychosocial factors, the educational level and physical health, showed significant discriminative score in the SWS. A prior medical history was associated with a significantly low SWS score. Satisfaction with life was associated with a significantly high SWS score. These factors a showed significant discriminative EWS score rather than a RWS. Among the religion factors, the satisfaction with their religion showed significant difference in the SWS. The SWS score especially the EWS affected the anxiety and depression of the Korean Combined Anxiety and Depression Scale (CADS). The subjective feeling of life score was associated with a significantly EWS low score and the subject's satisfaction with their whole life score was associated with a significantly high EWS score. CONCLUSION: Spiritual well being has significantly effects on anxiety depression and the quality of life in active old age people, and the subject; s spiritual well-being might be a new factor for assessing health in old age.


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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science