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Bum Dae Kim 3 Articles
Effects of the Selective Management for Increased Intracranial Pressure with Obstruction of Internal Carotid Artery in Rabbits.
Bum Dae Kim, Kyoung Yeob Lee, Seong Ho Kim, Dong Ro Han, Jang Ho Bae, Oh Lyong Kim, Byung Yon Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Hyoun Jin Shin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(1):167-180.   Published online June 30, 1994
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In order to inquire the most-effective management of increased intracranial pressure(ICP), mannitol, steroid and hyperventilation were used in rabbits after ligation or non-ligation of the carotid artery. Mannitol was more effective than steroid and hyperventilation in the degree of the reduction of ICP. The intracranial pressure was decreased 43~45% for 25~30 minutes after injection of mannitol. Steroid was less effective than mannitol in the degree of the reduction of ICP. But the time of reduction of ICP was longer, that is, the degree of reduction was 24~60 minutes after injection of steroid. Hyperventilation is effective in the initial time only, for 10 minutes after hyperventilation. The degree of ICP reduction was 13.5~16.7 % for 10 minutes after hyperventilation. The combined group, that is three kinds of mangenent were used, is the most effective treatment to reduce ICP of ICP. The degree of the reduction of ICP was 42.1~49.3% for 20 minutes, 47.7~52.5% for 30minnutes. There was no significant difference between and non-ligation group.
Nonsurgical Management of Parasagittal Epidural Hematoma Report of 4 Cases.
Dong Soo Nam, Seong Ho Kim, Bum Dae Kim, Jang Ho Bae, Eun Sig Doh, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Jow Hyuk Ihm
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):173-179.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Nonsurgical management of four cases of the parasagittal epidural hematoma were experienced. Patients were mildly symptomatic or minimal neurological disturbances on admission. Patients were treated conservatively because of stable neurologic sign. All patients had who diastatic fracture and / or suture have become a complete neurological recovery with satisfactory absorption of EDH over a period of 5 to 12 weeks.
A Case of Cryptococcal Ventriculitis.
Bum Dae Kim, Seung Chang Baek, Jowa Hyuk Ihm, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):175-181.   Published online December 31, 1988
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Cryptococcosis of central nervous system in uncommon, but fatal if untreated. We experienced a case of cryptococcal ventriculitis with hydrocephalus. The symptom was an increased intracranial pressure without meningeal irritation sign. It was confirmed by pathology and cytology taken from fibrous material, which caused an obstruction of shunt catheter in the lateral ventricle. We report a case of cryptococcal ventriculitis in 6 years old male child.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science