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Chang Jin Song 2 Articles
The Comparison of Intelligence Efficacy According to Methylphenidate Administration in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) Patients.
Hyung Bae Park, Dae Seok Bai, Jeong Sang Ha, Wan Seok Seo, Chang Jin Song
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2001;18(2):253-266.   Published online December 31, 2001
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The causes of ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) are various, it is impossible to understand the whole characteristics of ADHD, only with simple intellignece testing scales. We compared cognitive characteristics of ADHD group with normal controls with Korean Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children(K-ABC), It is well known to evaluate neuropsychological and cognitive aspects of the children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Age and sex matched 40 ADHD patients and 40 normal controls tested with the K-ABC. Each subscales compared between pre-treatment patients and controls, pre-treatment and post-treatment in patient group, post-treatment patients and controls. RESULTS: Significant differences are ovserved in sequential processing, simultaneous processing, cognitive processing and achievement between pre-treatment patients and controls, and in gestalt closure between pre-treatment and post-treatment patients group. But there are no significant differences between pre-treatment patients and controls in gestalt closure and reading/decoding. CONCLUSIONS: Methylphenidate improved the scores of simultaneous scale, which means improvement of executive functions such as divided attention, analysis and organization. Methylphenidate also reduced distractibility.
The Study of Reliability and Validity of Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale-School Version(ADDES-SV).
Jin Woo Bae, Seung Douk Cheung, Jong Bum Lee, Hyung Bae Park, Jin Seung Kim, Chang Jin Song
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):415-429.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of attention deficit disorder evaluation scale-school version(ADDES-SV). Between October 1996 and November 1996, ADDES-SV was administered to 263 elementary school students in the second grade and between Jun 1996 and October 1996, 28 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients. In the reliability test, the test-retest reliability coefficient was significantly high and that of inattention was 0.88, that of impulsivity was 0.80, that of hyperactivity was 0.83 and total score was 0.83. In the reliability test by internal consistancy, the Cronbach alpha coefficient was significantly high and that of inattention was 0.98, that of impulsivity was 0.87, that of hyperactivity was 0.87(p<0.05). The half-sprit reliability coefficient by first-second half method showed high correlation and that of inattention was part 1: 0.96, part 2: 0.96 impulsivity was part 1: 0.95, part 2: 0.93, hyperactivity was part 1: 0.92, part 2: 0.94(p<0.05). Inter-rater reliability by pearson correlation coefficient was significantly high and that of inattention was 0.92, that of impulsivity was 0.87, that of hyperactivity was 0.89 and total score was 0.89. The concurrent validity between ADDES-SV and CAP scale was 0.85 in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patient group and 0.79 in normal control group(p<0.05). In discriminant validity test between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patient group and normal control group, the patient group showed higher score(p<0.05). The total discriminant capacity of the patient group in ADDES-SV was 94.6%. In this point of view, ADDES-SV scale showed high reliability and validity in applying to Korean subjects and was proved to be the useful screening test tool for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder research.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science