- Adult intussusception caused by inverted Meckel's diverticulum treated with operation.
Sung Yun Lee, Jae Yoon Jeong, Seung Hyun Hong, Seung Min Woo, Su Heui Lee, Hyun Joo You, Dong Won Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2016;33(2):116-119. Published online December 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2016.33.2.116
- Intussusception is a serious disease where part of the intestine slides into an adjacent part of the intestine. Adult intussusception is mainly due to benign or malignant neoplasm. Therefore, in most cases of adult intussusception, treatment by surgery would be preferable to conservative therapy. However, we report on a 28-year-old female patient who underwent intussusception operation delayed 3 months. Abdominal computed tomography 3 months ago showed a small bowel intussusception measuring 20 cm long. Three months later, the previously identified small bowel intussusception appeared without change. The patient underwent surgery, and ectopic gastric mucosa was observed in the biopsy. Therefore, Meckel's diverticulum was diagnosed.
- Operative Treatment of Tibial Plateau Fractures.
Duck Seop Shin, Byeong Yeon Seong, Dong Won Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2001;18(2):187-198. Published online December 31, 2001
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2001.18.2.187
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between variable factors and clinical results following the operative treatment of the tibial plateau fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinical and radiological analysis was performed on 29 cases of the tibial plateau fractures who had been treated with operative treatment and followed up for more than 1 year from January 1991 to December 1997. The analysis of clinical results was performed dividing into age, cause of injury, fracture type of Schatzker classification, associated soft tissue injury and method of operative treatment. RESULTS: According to Schatzker classification, 2 cases(6.9%) were type I, 11 cases(37.9%) were type II, 1 case(3.5%) was type III, 5 cases(17.2%) were type IV, 4 cases(13.8%) were type V, and 6 cases(20.7%) were type VI. In all cases, bony unions were obtained. According to Blokker evaluation, 23 cases(79.3%) of 29 cases were acceptable. CONCLUSION: We could expect good clinical results if early knee joint mobilization following minimal invasive open reduction and internal fixation could be obtained. Bad clinical results were related with young age group under 30, more than Schatzker classification type IV of high energy trauma and associated injury of anterior cruciated ligment or meniscus.