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Gee Deuk Kim 1 Article
Autologous Transfusion in Pregnant Women with Significant Risk for Hemorrhage.
Gee Deuk Kim, Chul Suong Bae, Yoon Kee Park, Jong Wook Kim, Min Whan Koh, Sung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(1):95-103.   Published online June 30, 1990
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Autologous Transfusion, storage of one's own blood for subsequent infusion if needed, is safe and effective in a variety of scheduled operative procedures. Obstetric involvement in such programs in very limited, however, because of concern over the possibility of inducing premature labor or causing fetal distress by blood volume change or vasovagal reactions. We describe our experience with pregnant women in this program. The incidence of vagovagal reactions of autologous donation was 9.5% (2.21). After entry into this program, 17pastients received a total 37pints, which consist of 19 Autologous and 18 Homologous. Homologous transfusion was avoided in 30% of patients receiving blood. The values of the mean hematocrits before and after hpebotomy were 34.1% and 31.8% respectively. It was stastically significant (p<0.01). We recommended that autologous blood donation by pregnant women in third trimester is safe for mothers or infants and it should be strongly encouraged for patient with placenta previa and repeated cesarean section.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science