- A Study on Neurosis According to Experience of Sexual Abuse among Female High School Students in Taegu
Hyung Bae Park, Jin Sung Kim, Sang Ruyl Jang, Tae Yong Rho, Hye Soo Suh, Chang Su Kim, Kwang Hun Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(1):113-123. Published online June 30, 1995
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1995.12.1.113
- 1) The sexual abuse victim group showed significantly higher neurotic traits of Free floating anxiety (p<0. 05), Phobic(p<0.01), Obsession(p<0.01), Somatic(p<0.05), Depression(p<0.01) than the control group. 2) The Neurotic traits of Somatic(p<0.01), Depression(p<0.01), Hysteric(p<0.01) were higher in the multiple-abused than the single-abused. 3) When the duration of being abused was concerned, subjects with more than 1 year duration had significantly higher neurotic traits of Obsession(p<0.05), Somatic(p<0.05), Depression(p<0.05) than subjects with less than 1 year duration. 4) The neurotic traits of Phobic, Somatic, Depression were significantly higher in the subjects with higher intensity of sexual abuse than with lower intensity. 5) Among 68 victims, 31 girls(45%) were assaulted by strangers, 10(14%) were by relatives, 7(10.3%) were by siblings, 6(8.8%) were by neihbors. Among them, 34 girls(50%) bad counselling or psychotherapy and the people to whom they had sought for help were friends(23 girls ; 68%), parents (7 girls ; 11.7%) and mental health professonals (2 girls ; 5.9%).
- An Elementary School Children Screen Test for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Taegu City.
Heung Bae Park, Jin Sung Kim, Sang Ruyl Jang, Sung Chan Park, Hye Soo Suh, Kwang Hun Lee, Young Uck Kim, Chang Su Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(1):56-74. Published online June 30, 1995
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1995.12.1.56
- The authors applied ADDES-HV parent evaluation scale for the purpose of screeing test to 538 2nd grade elementary school students from March 1994 to May. The results were as follows: There was no differences in scores of ADHD between schools. In comparing the male and female between three school students, male students showed signifieant high scores (p<0.05) than female students in the score of ADDES-HV subscale and total. There was no significant differences in ADDES-HV scale between male students and female students in both ADHD patients and normal controls. In reliability test for test and retest, the reliability coefficient was higher satisfatorily and that of inattention was 0.80, inpulsivity was 0.69, hyperactivity was 0.63 and the total score was 0.82. In reliability test by internal consistancy, the Cronbach a coefficient of patient group was 0.85(p<0.05) and that of normal control was 0.84(p<0.05). The Concurrent validity between ADDES-HV scale and DSM- III -R scale was 0.57(p<0.05) in ADHD patient group and 0.84(p<0.05) in normal control group. In discriminant validity test between ADHD patient group and normal control, the ADHD patient group showed higher score(p<0.05). The total disciminant capacity of the patient group in ADDES-HV scale was 94.44%. When we regard the cut off point as standard deviation 1.5, the male student was 80 score and the female student was 69 score. In this point of view, ADDES-HV scale was proved to be the useful screening test tool for ADHD research and showed higher reliability and validity in applying to Korean subjects.
- A Study on Depression in College Freshmen.
Jong Bum Lee, Hye Soo Suh, Seung Douk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):151-161. Published online December 31, 1986
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1986.3.1.151
- The authors studied depression, using Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) in the subjects of 3,499 male and 1,335 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of SDS during the periods from January to February, 1986, and applied ANOVA and t-test on depression scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors, and sexes. The results are as follows: There was significant difference in the mean averages of total depression scores between male and female students: male students scored 35.68+7.46, female students scored 38.93+7.26 (P<0.01). The depression scores relating to the items of indecisiveness, psychomotor retardation, decreased libido, and diurnal variation were relatively higher in both groups. One hundred and sixty-one male students (4.6%) showed seriously high degree depression scores of 50 or higher, while one-hundred and seventeen female students (8.8%) showed the same scores. Female students attending in liberal arts showed higher level of depression scores (P<0.01). There was a strong tendency toward higher depression scores in the students who were dissatisfies with their home atmosphere, college, department and familiarity of parents and those who had pessimistic views of self in the past, present or future in both groups (P<0.001).
- A Study on Psychoticism in College Students.
Hye Soo Suh, Jung Hoon Lee, Sung Douk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1985;2(1):149-159. Published online December 31, 1985
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1985.2.1.149
- The authors studied Psychoticism, using SCL-90, in the subjects of 3,893 male college students and 1,976 female college students of Yeung Nam University, collecting data during the periods from October to November, 1984. The results could be summarized as follows: 1. There was significant difference in the mean averages of total psychoticism scores between male and female students; male students scored 6.81±5.13 female students scored 8.14±5.05. 2. Eighty eight male students (2.4%) showed seriously high psychoticism scores of 20 or higher, while 63 female students (3.2%) showed the same scores. 3. In a comparison between male students in different school grades, freshmen showed the highest level of psychoticism scores, and as the grades of students became higher, the levels of psychoticism scores were lower. 4. Among the psychoticism factors, there were strong tendencies toward higher psychoticism scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their college, and had pessimistic views of self-image in the past, present or future, in both groups. 5. The male students whose educational fees were paid by their parents, and whose spending money per month was under 10,000 won, showed higher level of psychoticism scores. 6. The female students whose maturation locations were city, who were dissatisfied with their departments, who resided in dormitory of other residencies, and whose educational fees were paid by their brothers or sisters, showed higher level of psychoticism scores. 7. The items relating to 5 (Feeling lonely with people) 9 (Never feeling close to another) 10 (Idea something writh mind) in psychoticism and the item of depressed affect in SDS were significantly correlated over 0.40 of correlation coefficient.