- Pheochromocytoma-induced cardiogenic shock successfully treated by extracorporeal circulation
Min Young Lee, Sang Bae Lee, Hyun Seo Cha, Ji Hong You, Eui Young Choi, Jong Suk Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2017;34(2):285-289. Published online December 31, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2017.34.2.285
- Pheochromocytoma can present with various symptoms including cardiogenic shock and cardiac arrest. Particularly, in cases of cardiogenic shock of unknown origin, pheochromocytoma should be considered. A 20-year-old woman without any medical history visited our emergency department due to nausea, vomiting, headache, and chest pain. Echocardiography revealed severe left ventricular dysfunction. Mechanical ventilation and veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) were implemented owing to her unstable vital signs. For unstable vital sign and cardiogenic shock in a young woman without any previous medical history, pheochromocytoma was considered and diagnosed based on elevated levels of catecholamine derivatives in a 24-hour urine sample. Cardiac function recovered and ECMO was discontinued on the 5th day of hospitalization. She later underwent an elective adrenalectomy and no recurrence was found during the follow-up period. We reported a case of pheochromocytoma which was presented with cardiogenic shock in a young woman with no concomitant disease, and successfully treated with ECMO followed by an elective adrenalectomy.