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Jae-wan Ko 1 Article
Cytotoxicity of dental self-curing resin for a temporary crown: an in vitro study
Jae-wan Ko, Joon Sakong, Sohee Kang
J Yeungnam Med Sci. 2023;40(Suppl):S1-S8.   Published online April 26, 2023
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Residual monomer tests using high-performance liquid chromatography and cytotoxicity tests were performed to analyze the effect on the oral mucosa of a self-curing resin for provisional crown production.
A cytotoxicity test was performed to confirm whether leaked residual monomers directly affected oral mucosal cells. The cytotoxicity of the liquid and solid resin polymers was measured using a water-soluble tetrazolium (WST) test and microplate reader.
In the WST assay using a microplate reader, 73.4% of the cells survived at a concentration of 0.2% liquid resin polymer. The cytotoxicity of the liquid resin polymer was low at ≤0.2%. For the solid resins, when 100% of the eluate was used from each specimen, the average cell viability was 91.3% for the solid resin polymer and 100% for the hand-mixed self-curing resin, which is higher than the cell viability standard of 70%. The cytotoxicity of the solid resin polymer was low.
Because the polymerization process of the self-curing resin may have harmful effects on the oral mucosa during the second and third stages, the solid resin should be manufactured indirectly using a dental model.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science