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Jang Ho Bae 10 Articles
Vertebral compression fractures: distinction between benign and malignant causes with Tc-99m labeled antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy.
Ihn Ho Cho, Hyong Woo Lee, Sang Ho An, Kyu Chang Won, Jang Ho Bae, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(2):254-262.   Published online December 31, 1998
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We evaluated the effectiveness of Tc-99m labeled antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy in differentiating the causes of vertebral compression fracture. This study involved 16 patients with vertebral compression fracture; 8 were due to trauma or osteoporosis, 3 were due to metastasis and 5 were due to tuberculous spondylitis. We retrospectively analyzed the location and the extent of decreased tracer uptake in tomographic images of Tc-99m labeled antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy. Eight patients had a 16 vertebral compression fractures due to trauma or osteoporosis , three patients had a 3 vertebral compression fractures due to metastasis and 5 patients had a 6 vertebral compression fractures due to tuberculous spondylitis. Sixteen vertebral compression fractures by trauma or osteoporosis showed a normal tracer uptake in pedicle, laminar and spinous process, but there was noted with 6 decreased uptake, 8 absence of tracer uptake and 2 normal tracer uptake in the vertebral body. Two vertebral compression fractures by metastasis showed the absence of uptake in vertebral body, pedicle, laminar and spinous process, and one showed an absence of vertebral body and spinous process. Six vertebral compression fractures by tuberculous spondylitis showed the absence of uptake in six compression fractures, the absence of pedicle in five compression fractures. We concluded Tc-99m labeled antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy may be helpful to differentiate the causes of vertebral compression fractures.
A Case of Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma.
Kwang Chul Song, Seong Ho Kim, Jang Ho Bae, Oh Ryong Kim, Byung Yon Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Dong Seok Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):451-458.   Published online December 31, 1997
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The desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma is very rare cerebral tumor. It has been known to be characterized by its voluminious size, intense desmoplasia and the frequent presence of astrocytic and ganglioglionic differentiation. Also, It is usually presented in infantile period and predilected in the frontal and parietal lobes. We treated a huge desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma(8?7?6cm) on the right frontotemporo-parietal area with only gross total resection. It includes solid mass & several cysts and shows the areas of the proliferation of spindle cells exhibiting storiform pattern in dense desmoplastic stroma and the areas composed of spindle shaped glial component.
Anterolaateral Surgical Decompression and Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar Bursting Fracture.
Jang Ho Bae
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(2):234-242.   Published online December 31, 1996
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Ten patients with a thoracolumbar spine fractures were treated with Kaneda internal fixation device through anterolateral approach during last 1 year. In all cases, spinal decompression, internal instrument fixation and bone fusion with rib were performed. No patient showed neurological deterioration after surgery and 6(60%) patients improved postoperatively with entering the next Frankel subgroup. Follwo-up patient evaluation showed the correction of the fracture deformity with good bony fusion, but 3 patient are remained back pain. According to above results we concluded that anterolateral internal fixation combined.with bone fusion using rib was good mechanical stability and decompression of protruding ventral bone fragments above conus medullaris level.
Laserthermia Induced Histological Changes in Different Thermal Condition.
Sang Woo Kim, Kyung Yup Lee, Seong Ho Kim, Jang Ho Bae, Oh Lyong Kim, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(2):331-338.   Published online December 31, 1995
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Laserthermia is a new method of local hyperthermia using fiber optic guided probe with computer controlled Nd-YAG laser system. We used a synthetic sapphire probe and allowed irradiation with contolled low power laser energy (less than 5W), in different thermal condition (temprature:38.5-50 degrees C) for 10 minutes, in the normal brain tissue of 18 rabbits. In results, the histological changes of brain tissue was variable (myelin condensation, chromatin condensation, nuclear waving and palisading, RBC discoloration, cell necrosis) in microscopic findings after laser irradiation, but changing area was not occured proportionally in thermal condition level. Cell necrosis appears to over 44.5 degrees C and the distance was about 1.25 mm. This study, using computer controlled laserthermia system for interstitial local hyperthermia, may offer many advantages in the experimental treatment and clinical management of tumor. Minimizing normal tissue damage is now being developed.
Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in the tuberous Sclerosis.
Jin Han Park, Seong Ho Kim, Dong Ro Han, Jang Ho Bae, Sam Kyu Ko, Oh Lyong Kim, Byung Yon Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(2):221-229.   Published online December 31, 1994
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Tuberous sclerosis is reported rarely and is associated with systemic lesions including central nervous system, skin, heart, eye and kidney. Approximately 5-15% of individuals with tuberous sclerosis will develop brain neoplasia, almost invariably subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma (SGCA). We experienced a case of SGCA with tuberous sclerosis operated by the transcallosal approach and report with literature review.
The Effects of Microwave Irradiated on Rabbit's ICP.
Jin Han Park, Seong Ho Kim, Dong Ro Han, Jang Ho Bae, Oh Lyong Kim, Byung Yon Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Joon Ha Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(2):213-220.   Published online December 31, 1994
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Damages on central nervous system induced by the exposure of microwave. However, the effects of microwave on ICP are not studied yet. The ICP affected by the condition of the condition of the brain has an significant effect on vital sign. So we investigated the changes of ICP of the rabbits after exposure. Twenty four rabbits were divided into 3 groups depending on the amount of exposure to microwave. One group was composed with 8 rabbits were exposed to microwave for 10 miniutes. Other were composed to microwave for 20 miniutes, 30 miniures, respectively. Intracranial pressure on each group were measured by subdural type ICP monitoring catheter immediately, first day, 3rd day, 5th day and 7th day after exposure of microwave. Results indicates that intracranial pressure of rabbits are not affected with statistical significance by exposure of microwave.
Effects of the Selective Management for Increased Intracranial Pressure with Obstruction of Internal Carotid Artery in Rabbits.
Bum Dae Kim, Kyoung Yeob Lee, Seong Ho Kim, Dong Ro Han, Jang Ho Bae, Oh Lyong Kim, Byung Yon Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Hyoun Jin Shin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(1):167-180.   Published online June 30, 1994
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In order to inquire the most-effective management of increased intracranial pressure(ICP), mannitol, steroid and hyperventilation were used in rabbits after ligation or non-ligation of the carotid artery. Mannitol was more effective than steroid and hyperventilation in the degree of the reduction of ICP. The intracranial pressure was decreased 43~45% for 25~30 minutes after injection of mannitol. Steroid was less effective than mannitol in the degree of the reduction of ICP. But the time of reduction of ICP was longer, that is, the degree of reduction was 24~60 minutes after injection of steroid. Hyperventilation is effective in the initial time only, for 10 minutes after hyperventilation. The degree of ICP reduction was 13.5~16.7 % for 10 minutes after hyperventilation. The combined group, that is three kinds of mangenent were used, is the most effective treatment to reduce ICP of ICP. The degree of the reduction of ICP was 42.1~49.3% for 20 minutes, 47.7~52.5% for 30minnutes. There was no significant difference between and non-ligation group.
Nonsurgical Management of Parasagittal Epidural Hematoma Report of 4 Cases.
Dong Soo Nam, Seong Ho Kim, Bum Dae Kim, Jang Ho Bae, Eun Sig Doh, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Jow Hyuk Ihm
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):173-179.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Nonsurgical management of four cases of the parasagittal epidural hematoma were experienced. Patients were mildly symptomatic or minimal neurological disturbances on admission. Patients were treated conservatively because of stable neurologic sign. All patients had who diastatic fracture and / or suture have become a complete neurological recovery with satisfactory absorption of EDH over a period of 5 to 12 weeks.
Astrocytoma in the Bilateral Thalamus: A Case Report.
Eul Soo Chung, Jang Ho Bae, Dong Ro Han, Eun Sik Doh, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):167-172.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Astrocytoma in the thalamus in not so frequent in incidence (1%). Moreover, bilateral thalamic tumor is rare. Certain tumors of the thalamus are considered resectable but most of thalamic tumors are thought to be untouchable. Bilateral thalamic astrocytoma with hydrocephalus was diagnosed by stereotactic biopsy and ventriculoperitoneal shunt operation was done with result of improvement. We report a case of astrocytoma in the bilateral thalamus with literature review.
A Case of Multiple Mendingiomas.
Jang Ho Bae, Seung Chan Beak, Jowa Hyuk Ihm, Oh Lyong Kim, Yong Chul Chi, Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):195-200.   Published online December 31, 1988
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The incidence of multiple meningiomas found prior to the introduction of CT was 1~2%, the incidence since the introduction of CT was 8.9%. The authors report a case of multiple meningiomas without evidence of von Recklinghausen's disease. The possible presence of more than 1 tumor in a patient with an intracranial meningiomas must always be kept in mind. The pathogenetic factors related to true multiple meningiomas in unknown. We report a patient with multiple meningiomas which was confirmed by operation.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science