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Jeong Lan Kim 2 Articles
Estimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate from Plasma Creatinine and Height in Children.
Jeong Lan Kim, Yong Hoon Park, Jeong Ok Hah
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):93-100.   Published online June 30, 1988
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In clinical practice, creatinine clearance (Ccr) remains the most commonly used laboratory assessment of glomerular function despite methodological and technical problems of urine collection. Schwartz et al. in 1976, reported that an accurate estimate of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) could be obtained from the simple determinations of plasma creatinine (Per) and body length (L): GFR (ml/min/1.73m2)=kL (cm)/Per (mg/100 ml), (k=constant). The subject of this study were 81 children admitted to our pediatric department from July, 1985 to June, 1987 and they were divided into three groups; group I, from 1 to 5 years old, group II, from 6 to 10 years old, group III, from 11 to 15 years old. The results were as following: 1) Measured creatinine clearance Ccr(M), ml/min/1.73m²) were 109.73±9.97 in group I, 108.26±9.02 in group II, 96.20±4.72 in group III and 105.48±5.23 in all age group. 2) Measured k(k(M)) obtained from CcrM=k Ht/Pcr were 0.49±0.03 in group I, 0.48±0.02 in group II, 0.43±0.02 in group III, and 0.47±0.02 in all age group (Ht; height). 3) Linear equations and correlation coefficient between Ht/Pcr (x) and Ccr (y) were y=0.82x-65.63 (r=0.99) in group I, y=0.61x-23.46(r=0.72) in group II, y=0.18x+54.44 (r=0.54) in group III and y=0.58x-22.13 (r=0.81) in all age group. 4) Ccr(E) was again estimated from linear equations between Ht/Pcr and Ccr(M) and k(E) was calculated with Ht/Pcr and Ccr(E) were 0.48±0.01 in group I, 0.49±0.01 in group II, 0.43±0.01 in group III and 0.47±0.00 in all age group. 5) Consistent values of k(E) and k(M) were highly significant as 95~97.5% in group I and II, 90~95% in group III and 97.5~99% in all age group. In summary, we could estimate GFR with height, plasma creatinine and measured k(k(M)) according to the age in easy and rapid way.
Electrocardiographic Findings in School Children.
Jae Honng Park, Jin Gon Jun, Jeong Lan Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):23-27.   Published online December 31, 1987
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Mass electrocardiographic (ECG) examination was performed on 13,801 children (male 7,526 and female 6,275) of elementary and middle school in Taegu from May 1. 1986. to April 30. 1987. We read their ECG according to the “pediatric Electrocardiography”1) The results were as following: The incidence of ECG abnormality was 1.05% (male 1.3% and female 0.75%). Fifty eight children (0.42%) had atrial and ventricular hypertrophy; two right atrial hypertrophy, five left atrial hypertrophy, thirty five right ventricular hypertrophy and sixteen left ventricular hypertrophy respectively. Ectopic beats occurred in 25 children (0.18%); They were atrial in 12 children, ventricular in 8 children and junctional in 5 children. There were 62 children (0.45%) of conduction disturbance; They were first degree atrioventricular (A-V) block in 21 children, type I second degree A-V block in 1 child, A-V dissociation in 1 child, right, right bundle branch block in 36 children, left bundle branch block in 1 child and WPW syndrome in 2 children. Nonspecific ST, T changes and sinus tachycardia were found in 3 and one children respectively.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science