- A Case Combined Germ Cell Tumor in Testis.
Hae Joo Nam, Won Hee Choi, Tae Sook Lee, Jun Gyu Suh, Kyung Chul Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1985;2(1):293-297. Published online December 31, 1985
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1985.2.1.293
- Primary germ cell tumor of the testis is rare, which occupies 1 to 2% of all reported malignant male neoplasms. Combined primary germ cell tumor of the testis composed of embryonal carcinoma and seminoma is more rare tumor. The authors experienced a case of 50-year old male who presented with painless enlargement of right testicle. He has had radical orchiectomy and diagnosed by pathologically as combined germ cell tumor of testis. The testicle is measuring 180 gm in weight and 9×6×5 cm in dimension, and almostly replaced by tumor mass. Grossly the tumor is rubbery solid smooth tumor mass, with variegated cut surface with geographically outlined diffuse necrotic area. Histologically the tumor is composed of two components of tumor, which are solid growth pattern of large round to polyhedral cells with clear or granular cytoplasm and distinct cell border, and anastomosing glandular and papillary arrangement of anaplastic epithelial cells. The former corresponds to seminoma, and the latter to embryonal carcinoma. Each tumor lobule is separated by abundant fibrous stroma.