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Kwang Yeoung Jung 1 Article
Treatment of tibial fractures by interlocking intramedullary nailing.
Kwang Yeoung Jung, Dong Chul Lee, Jae Sung Suh, Se Dong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(2):388-399.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The adequate treatment of tibia fracture is one of the most difficult due to severe commiuntion, open wound, delayed union, angulation deformity and infection. We treated 38 fractures of the tibia by Interlocking intramedullary nail from Feb. 1983 to Mar. 1993. 35 cases of the tibia fracture were fresh, 13 cases of fracture were open. The other 3 cases were delayed union and nonunion. The Mean follow-up was 14.0 months. The results were as followings. 1. Of the 38 fractures, 37 fractures united and the mean union time was 18.7 weeks. 2. Interlocking intramedullary nail could be used to the majority of fractures of the proximal & distal tibia shaft. fractures. 3. The Im erlocking nail had rigid rotational stability and was appropriate for the treatment in severe unstable fractures, commninution and open-with bone loss. 4. Delayed union or nonunion was a good indication for intramedullary nailling. 5. The major-complication were valgus deformity of 2 cases, varus deformity of 1 case, 1 case deep infection. 6. Interlocking intramedullary nailing provided rigid fixation of . fracture and then made early joint motion exercise and ambulation.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science