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Kyu Taek Choi 1 Article
Effect of Intracarotid Cold Saline Infusion during Cerebral ischemia on Brain Edema in the Rabbit
Sae Yeon Kim, Kyu Taek Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(2):260-268.   Published online December 31, 1995
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Ischemia results when the decrease in tissue perfusion exceeds the tissues ability to increase an oxygen extraction from the blood. Brain edema has been defined as an abnormal accumulation of fluid within brain parenchyma associated with a volumetric enlargement of the brain tissue. In most instances, the labelling of edema as vasogenic or cytotoxic is only relative. For cerebral protection, there were many possible techniques which could increase or maintain cerebral perfusion and reduce cerebral metabolic demand for oxygen. This study was carried out the effect of mild Brain hypothermia which was induced by infusion with cold saline into the carotid artery, during brief episodes of transient global ischemia on postischemic brain edema in rabbit. Eight rabbits were anesthetized with halothane and mechanically ventilated with oxygen. For isolated cerebral perfusion, polyethylene catheter was inserted left carotid artery for infusion of cold saline, external carotid artery was ligated, vertebral arteries were cauterized, right carotid artery was snared for ischemia and femoral artery and vein were also cannulated for monitoring and drug treatment. At 3 hours after transient global ischemia, specific gravity of cerebral cortex and hippocampus was compared with no-perfusion group, perfusion with cold saline group and normal group. There was no significant differences in physiologic variables among the groups before transient global ischemia. But during transient global ischemia, brain temperature of perfusion group was decreased when compared to no perfusion group. Specific gravity of cerebral cortex and hippocampus of no-perfusion group and perfusion group was statistically significant when compared to normal group (p<0.01). The results of this study suggested that mild brain hypothermia with intracarotid cold saline infusion during brief episodes of transient global ischemia had decreased postischemic brain edema in rabbit.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science