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Mi Jin Ku 1 Article
A Clinicopathologic Review of Eight Cases of Chondroblastoma.
Joon Hyuk Choi, Hae Jeong Choi, Mi Jin Ku, Dae Hong Suh, Duk Seop Shin, Kil Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(2):359-370.   Published online December 31, 1998
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Eight cases of chondroblastoma were studied by analyzing the clinical and pathologic findings. The age of eight cases ranged from 17 to 38 years old(median age, 22.7 years old). The tumors developed in the femur (3 cases), patella (2 cases), tibia( 1 case), fibula (1 case), and ulna (1 case). The mean diameter of tumors was 4.0 cm (range, 1.5 to 8.0 cm). Grossly, tumors showed grayish brown solid area with foci of secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. Histologically, the tumor cells were round or polygonal in shape with nuclear groove. And there were chondroid differentiation(7 cases), mitosis(3 cases), calcific deposits(3 cases), secondary aneurysmal bone cyst(4 cases), hemosiderin deposits(4 cases), necrosis(3 cases), vascular invasion(1 caes) and foamy histiocytes and cholesterol cleft(1 cases). All cases showed no metastasis to lymph node and distant organ. Seven cases (87.5 %) were immunoreactive for S-100 protein. None were immunoreactive for cytokeratin.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science