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Mi Soo Hwang 28 Articles
Congenital Aortic Arch Anomaly : CT Findings and Incidence
Jae Kyo Lee, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S549-554.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Purpose:The study was done to evaluate the variable presentation of aortic arch anomaly. Materials and Methods:Among consecutive 10,008 patients who underwent chest CT scanning at our institution for five years, we experienced 49 cases of aortic arch anomalies. The patients who represented with right side aortic arch only were excluded.
:Thirty five patients revealed aberrant right subclavian artery, 11 patients show aberrant left subclavian artery with right side aortic arch, and 3 patients revealed double aortic arch. No patients represent obstructive symptom.
:Aberrant subclavian artery and double aortic arch were common congenital aortic arch anomaly, and recognition of vascular anomaly can avoid procedure failure of surgery and interventional therapy.
A Case of Reversed Intestinal Rotation
Won Kyu Park, Jae Ho Cho, Jay Chun Chang, Jae Woon Kim, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S632-635.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Diagnosis and treatment of a patient with a congenital anomaly of the midgut with persistent symptom in adult can be difficult because it is particularly in adults. Reversed rotation of the midgut is the rarest of all malrotation anomalies. We report a case of reversed intestinal rotation and review the embryology, clinical presentation, and radiographic findings of this disorder. Although this anomaly is rare, it may be diagnosed by the knowledge of embryology and anatomy.
Cystic Dystrophy in Heterotopic Pancreas of Duodenal Wall -A Case Report-
Mi Jin Gu, Won Kyu Park, Yeung Kyong Bae, Jae Ho Cho, Jay Chun Chang, Jae Woon Kim, Kil Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park, Joon Hyuk Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S647-651.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Cystic dystrophy is an uncommon, benign poorly understood disease. It is characterized by the development of cysts in heterotopic pancreatic tissue. A 57-year-old-man was hospitalized for abdominal pain for a week. He is a heavy alcohol drinker. There was a cyst at second portion of duodenum on CT. Under the impression of peptic ulcer perforation, Whipple’s operation was performed. Grossly, a cystic space, measuring 3.0 cm in diameter, was noted within the thickened duodenal wall. Microscopically, the cyst was lined by columnar epithelium and granulation tissue and embedded in ectopic pancreatic tissue. The adjacent pancreatic tissue showed focal chronic pancreatitis.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Breast -A Case Report-
Jun Mo Kim, Mi Soo Hwang, Su Hwan Kang, Soo Jung Lee, Young Kyung Bae
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S749-754.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant neoplasm of the breast accounting for approximately 0.1% of all breast carcinomas with a total 200 cases reported in the literature. In contrast to the aggressive nature of ACC in other organs, ACC of the breast is known to have an excellent prognosis. Recently we experienced the first case of ACC of the breast at Yeungnam University hospital. The case was diagnosed by preoperative fine needle aspiration cytology. We report a case of ACC of the breast managed with breast conserving surgery and review the literature.
Supratentorial Leptomeningeal Hemangioblstoma -Case Report-
Han Won Jang, Woo Mok Byun, Jae Kyo Lee, Jae Ho Cho, Kil Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park, Joon Hyuk Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S770-774.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Hemangioblastoma is a benign tumor that most commonly occurs in the cerebellum and associated with von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease. Supratentorial hemanigoblastomas are exceptionally rare. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histopathologic findings of a supratentorial leptomeningeal hemangioblastoma.


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Screening Examination of Breast Cancer: Review of the Recommended Guidelines.
Myung Ho Shin, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1999;16(2):342-346.   Published online December 31, 1999
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Delays in breast cancer diagnosis may occur in young women due to a low index of suspicion. The purpose of this study was to compare mammography and breast sonography in detection of breast cancer and to suggest a reasonable guideline for breast cancer screening examination. MATERIALS AND MATHODS: Among 820 patients, 102 patients were under 35 years and 122 patients were above 60 years of age. We reviewed medical records, mammograms and/or ultrasonography of 49 patients under 35 years and 48 patients above 60 years of age with pathologically-proven breast cancer. Pathological reports were as follows: Invasive ductal carcinoma(IDC) was present 61.2% of patients in the young age group and ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS) in 16.3%. IDC was present in 66.6% of the patients in the old age group, and DCIS in 8.33%. We analyzed mammography and ultrasonography to evaluate their usefullness in detecting breast cancer in patients under 35 years and over 60 years of age. RESULTS: The mammographic results are as follows: 1) detection rate of lesion: 83.8%(under 35yrs), 100%(over 60yrs) 2) sensitivity of cancer: 67.6%(under 35yrs), 91.2%(over 60yrs) The ultrasonographic results are as follows: 1) detection rate of lesion: 100% 2) sensitivity of cancer: 87.2%(under 35yrs), 96.7%(over 60yrs) The breas cancer detection rate in women under 35 years old was comparable to that of women above 60 years old in our study. CONCLUSION: A striking histologic finding in the two groups was a higher incidence of nuclear Grade II and III tumors. This finding correlates with the reported increased incidence of high grade tumors inyoung women and may correlae with the poorer prognosis of breast cancer in young patients. We conclude that early screening examination is helpful for early detection of breast cancer in women under age 35.
MRI Findings of Neuro-Behcet' Disease.
Han Won Jang, Woo Mok Byun, Kil Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(2):306-315.   Published online December 31, 1998
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MR findings in nine patients(three female, six male) with neuroBehcet's disease were retrospectively analyzed. NeuroBehcet's disease was diagnosed on the basis of typical clinical symptoms. Involved site, pattern, signal intensity, and contrast enhancement pattern on MRI were evaluated. In addition, follow up MR imaging was performed in four patients. The midbrain(7/9), internal capsule(7/9), pons(6/9), thalamus(6/9), basal ganglia(5/9), middle cerebella peduncle(4/9), medulla oblongata(2/9), and subcortical white matter(2/9) are involved on MRI. The size of lesions were 1cm to 3cm and their margin was ill-defined and patchy. Inhomogeneous high signal intensity on the T2-weighted images and low signal intensity on T1-weighted images was seen respectvely. In four of nine cases, there was focal enhancement. On follow up MR imaging, improvement or recurrance of the lesions was found. Also in two cases of follow up cases there was artophy in brainstem and/or middle cerebellar peduncles. In conclusion, MR imaging with systemic clinical symptoms is useful for diagnosing neuro-Behcet's disease.
Correlation of Posterior Echo Patterns and Histopathologic Features in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast.
Jong O Choi, Hyun Cheol Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Bik Hwan Park, Dong Sug Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(1):151-158.   Published online June 30, 1998
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No abstract available.
Radiologic Findings of Uncommon Breast Cancer.
Jae Woon Kim, Jae Hong An, Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Kyo Lee, Woo Mok Byun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(1):114-124.   Published online June 30, 1998
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We analyzed the mammographic (n=21) findings (location, margin, shape, cluster microcalcifications, size, multiplicity) and ultrasonographic (n=12) findings (shape, border, internal echo, boundary echo, posterior echo, lateral echo, width/depth ratio) to evaluate specific radiologic findings of histopathologically proved uncommon breast cancer. The mammographic findings (n=21) are as follow; 1) single; 16, multiple; 5 2) margin (smooth; 13, irregular; 4, spiculated; 4) 3) shape (round and ovoid; 9, lobulated; 8, irregular; 4) 4) cluster microcalcifications (abscent; 20, present; 1) 5) size (1-3cm; 18, 3-5cm; 2, 5cm> ; 1) 6) location (UOQ; 13, UIQ; 4, LIQ; 3, LOQ; 1). The ultrasonographic findings (n=12) are as follow; 1) shape (round to oval; 5, lobulated; 5, irregular; 2) 2) border (smooth even; 9, rough uneven; 3) 3) internal echo (fine homogeneous; 5, coarse heterogeneous; 7) 4) boundary echo (regular fine; 4, irregular thick; 8) 5) posterior echo (enhanced; 11, no change; 1) 6) lateral echo (marked; 7, nonexistent; 5) 7) width/depth ratio (1.5> 1, 1.0-1.5; 7, 1.0< ; 4). Uncommon breast cancer show benign nature on mammogram, but malignant nature on ultrasonogram (especially boundary echo, internal echo, width/depth ratio)
Congenital Midgut Malrotation : Radiological Findings.
Jae Hong An, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park, Jung Kon Koh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):393-398.   Published online December 31, 1997
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An accurate early diagnosis of congenital midgut malrotation is essential to prevention of catastrophic effects of volvulus. To evaluate the usefulness of radiologic examinations in diagnosing intestinal malrotation, we retrospectively analyzed radiologic findings and operation records of 17 intestinal malrotation patients, who were radiologically diagnosed. The age range of the patients studied were from 1day to 12years. The presenting symptoms were vomiting, vomiting with abdominal pain, abdominal distention, diarrhea and failure to thrive. The viewpoints of this analysis were the location of duodeno-jejunal flexure on barium meal and cecal location on barium enema. Sixteen of 17 patients, who were radiologically diagnosed, were surgically proven, but one patient with annular pancreas was false positive. In the case of 3 surgically proved patients, malrotation was suspected on barium meal prior to the barium enema, but final diagnosis was determined on barium enema examination. We concluded that a barium enema should be performed on all children with suspected malrotation where the initial upper gastro-intestinal study was normal or suspicious on account of the small incidence of false positive and false negative barium meals.
The Measurement of Blood Flow of Anterior Cerebral Artery in Premature Newborns Using Duplex Dopple Ultrasonography.
Mi Soo Hwang, Kyeung Kug Bae, Jae Kyo Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(1):77-84.   Published online June 30, 1997
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We measured the blood flow velocity of the anterior cerebral artery via anterior fontanelle approach of fifty five preterm neonates with duplex Doppler sonography and analyzed the waveform and calculated pulsatility index were increased with increasing gestational age, birth weight, and age of the neonate, but resistive indices decreased. In sick babies, characteristic resistive index increment were seen in patients with intraventricular hemorrhage, but no statistical difference was seen in patients with respiratory distress syndrome. Our results suggest that duplex Doppler sonography is a use ful noninvasive means of monitoring cerebrohemodynamics in normal pretem neonates and flow change of sick babies.
Use of Sonography in the Differential Diagnosis between Phylloides Tumor and Giant Fibroadenoma.
Jong Oh Choi, Jae Woon Kim, Won Kyu Park, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(2):295-301.   Published online December 31, 1996
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Phylloides tumor is very similar to giant fibroadenoma in that they have benign appearance in breast radiologic image. Fibroadenoma has no malignant potential, but phylloides tumor is locally recurrent, invasive and may occasionally metastasize. It thus appears that evaluation of the differential point of the two tumor groups by radiologic study is very important. We retrospectively compared sonographic find;.ngs of 6 cases of phylloides tumor with those of 4 cases of fibroadenoma, which proved pathologically in Ye mgnam University Hospital from 1984 to 1986. The mean age of the patients were 31.8 years old(from 14 to 41 years old) in phylloides tumor and 28.8 years old (from 17 to 40 years old) in giant fibroadenoma, respectively. The viewpoints of this analysis were size, shape and contour of the masses, internal echo pattern, posterior enhancement, and especially the existence of peripheral cyst or septal band echo. We found that diffenentiation of these two tumors by sonography was difficult. But peripheral cyst was found only in phylloides tumor and septal band echo was found largely in giant fibroadenoma. Although the existence of peripheral cyst or septal band echo in the breast mass was not pathognomonic findings, we suggest that the existence of septal band echo is preferential finding to fibroadenoma, and peripheral cyst is preferential finding to phylloides tumor.
Neuroblastoma : Computed Tomographic Finding.
Jae Woon Kim, Jong Oh Choi, Jae Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(1):134-140.   Published online June 30, 1996
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Recently many studies have shown the usefulness of computed tomogram in diagnosing abdominal mass when clinical and conventional radiologic examinations fail to reveal the nature of abdominal mass or the cause of abdominal distension. To evaluate the usefulness of CT in diagnosing neuroblastoma, we retrospectively analyzed computed tomographic findings of 16 neuroblastoma patients, who pathologically proved in Yeungnam University Hospital from 1986 to 1995. The age range of the patients studied were from 8months to 18years. The most frequent sith of origin was adrenal gland and the next was retroperitioneum. The presenting symptoms were palpable mass, abdominal distension, and abdominal pain.- The viewpoints of this analysis were tumoral calcifications, midline cross, shape, margin, internal structure, contrast enhancement patterns, major vessel involvement, and lymph node involvement. ':haracteristic CT findings were 'as follows: Fine dense curvillinear calcification within the tumor(56%), midline cross(50%), lobulation(75%), well-circumscribed margin(56%), cystic degeneration(56%), heterogeneous contrast enhancement(690/o), encasement of major vessels such as aorta, IVC and celiac trunk(50%), and paraaortic lymphadenopathy(87%). We conclude that these CT findings were very common and could be helpful in diagnosting and differentiation neuroblastoma in infant and children.
CT Findings of Bronchogenic Cyst
Hyun Cheol Cho, Yong Woo Lee, Mi Soo Hwang, Kil Ho Cho, Woo Mok Byun, Jae Ho Cho, Jae Chun Chang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(2):226-236.   Published online December 31, 1995
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We studied to evaluate CT characteristics of bronchogenic cysts. We retrospectively evaluated CT of 11 patients with pathologically proved bronchogenic cyst. Precontrast and postcontrast CT scan was performed in all. We analyzed CT with viewpoints of location, size, attenuation on pre- and postcontrast scan, and calcification. Three of 11 bronchogenic cysts were intrapulmonary in location and eight were located in the mediastinum. Two of 3 intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts were located in the right lower lobe, and the remaining one was left lower lobe. Intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts ranged from 6cm to 12cm in diameter (average, 9.7 cm). On Cr, intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts appeared as thin-wall air cyst, homogenous water attenuation and soft tissue attenuation with air bubble respectively. Mediastinal bronchogenic cysts were located in posterior mediastinum (n=5), superior mediastinum (n=2), middle mediastinum (n=1) respectively. These cysts ranged in size from 3cm to 8cm in diameter (average 5.0 cm). On CT, five showed homogenous water attenuation, two soft tissue attenuation similar to that of muscle, one air-fluid level. Calcification or contrast enhancement was not detected in any cases. On operative findings, all of intrapulmonary bronchogenic cysts contained dirty pus-like material and all of mediastinal bronchogenic cysts contained whitish or yellowish mucus material. Bronchogenic cysts showed homogenous water density in many cases, homogenous soft tissue density, air-fluid level and air-filled cyst. The constellation of CT findings may be helpful in the diagnosis and Differentiation of bronchogenic cyst.
Acute Pulmonary Mycetoma Due to Candida albicans in AML patient.
Jae Kyo Lee, Mi Soo Hwang, Mi Jin Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1995;12(1):135-140.   Published online June 30, 1995
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Acute cavitating pulmonary infection with a mycetoma is sometimes occur in immunocompromised patient. Most mycetoma lesions are due to Aspergillus species, and lesion caused by Candida species is rare. So we report an experienced case that pulmonary and rib infection caused by Candida species-'in -AML patient and complete remission with previous reports.
Analysis of the result and merit of computed tomography guided percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy of focal lung lesion.
You Song Chang, Kil Ho Cho, Woo Mock Byun, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Prk
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(1):127-134.   Published online June 30, 1993
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Percutaneous needle biopsy of pulmonary lesion with use of fluoroscopic guidance is well estabilished as a diagnostic tool but limited by the small size and inaccessibility of certain lesions. However, percutaneous needle biopsy'has been used increasingly in relation to advance and the salty of smaller biopsy needle and new imaging modalities such as ultrasound and CT. CT, because of its characteristics of high resolution, allows tissue sampling with considerable safty from area that heretofore could not be visualized under fluoroscopy. The authors summarized 44 pulmonary lesions that underwent CT-guided transthoracic biopsy with fine-needle over a 14 month period and analyzed the sensitivity of PTNB. -CT-guided PTNB was done with 20 gauge or 22 gauge Westcott biopoy needle (Mann medical products, USA). A diagnosis was made in 27 of 44 cases (61%) including malignany in 19 of 24 cases and benignancy in 8 of 20 cases. The pulmonary mass lesions were located at the peripheral zone of the lung field in 33 cases and at the central zone in 11 cases. Complications were observed in 2 cases which were pneumothorax and hemoptysis each but specific therapy was not required The sensitivity of PTNB by one session was 61% (27/44). The sensitivity of malignancy was 79% (19/24) and benignancy was 40% (8/20). These results suggest the usefulness of PTNB using fine needles be increased in eariler diagnosis and improved staging of pulmonary nodular lesions without significant complications.
The analysis of ultrasonographic findings in breast carcinoma.
Jin Wook Lee, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1992;9(2):269-274.   Published online December 31, 1992
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Authors retrospectively analyzed ultrasonographic findings of 12 cases of breast carcinomas which were proven pathologically at Yeungnam University Hospital from March 1992 to August 1992. Classically, breast carcinomas were described as irregular and lobulated hypoechoic solid masses with inhomogeneous internal echoes and frequent attenuation of the sound beam. And other additional ultrasonographic findings were echogenic rim, disruptions of superficial layer, microcalcification, skin thickening and so on. In our studies, not all of these findings of breast carcinomas were found in each case, but most of these findings were noted. However, several studies have demonstrated considerable overlap in the ultrasonographic appearance of benign lesions and carcinoma. Thus, accurate sonographic determination of the type of solid mass is not possible with current ultrasonographic imaging techniques and criteria. For more accurate diagnosis of breast lesions, sonographic and other imaging techniques are interpreted together.
Treatment of Traumatic Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas using Debrun's Detachable Balloons.
Sang Jin Lee, Son Yong Kim, Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Chun Chang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):91-101.   Published online December 31, 1989
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The goal of therapy in patients with traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas is to occlude the fistula preferably while maintaining the carotid blood flow. Since the introduction of the concepts of detachable balloon technique to occlude arteriovenous fistulas, the technique has become the treatment of choice in the management of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas. The major symptoms of traumatic CCFs are (1) pulsating exophthalmos, (2) orbital and cephalic bruit and murmur, (3) headache, (4) chemosis, (5) extraocular palsies, and (6) visual failure. Traumatic CCFs are combined with multiple associated lesion. We tried the occlusion of fistulas using Goldvalve balloons in 8 consecutive cases of traumatic CCF and the result of our experience is reported. Transarterial approach with manually-tied latex balloons is tried in all cases and the fistulas was successfully occluded in all cases. In 5 cases, the internal carotid artery was preserved and the arterial lumen was occluded along with fistula opening in cases. In one case, surgical ligation was done because of symptoms recurred and incomplete occlusion of fistula. We experienced hemiparesis as a major complication in one case during occlusion tolerance test, which was remitted spontaneously. The results of Debrun balloon treatment were relatively excellent. We consider that the first choice of treatment of traumatic CCF is occlusion of the fistula by a detachable balloons.
CT findings of the Mediastinal tumors.
Ho Son Chung, Sang Jin Lee, Mi Young Son, Hyuk Po Kwon, Mi Soo Hwang, Son Yong Kim, Jae Chun Chang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):79-90.   Published online December 31, 1989
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Computerized Tomography is now well established and important noninvasive method of diagnosting mediastinal mass lesions because of its superior imaging of their size, location and internal composition. Authors analyzed and present CT findings of 30 surgically proven mediastinal tumors and cysts that were studied and treated at the Yeungnam University Hospital during recent 6 years. The most common tumor was thymoma (9 cases), and teratoma (6 cases), lymphoma (6 cases), bronchogenic cyst (4 cases), neurogenic tumor (4 cases), pericardial cyst (1 case) were next in order of frequency. There were 5 cases of thymoma showing homogenous solid density mass, 2 cases were malignant thymoma and myasthenia gravis was present in 2 cases. A case of thymolipoma and a case of thymic carcinoma were included. All teratomas were cystic masses but pathognomonic fat, and calcified density were seen only in 4 cases. 5 cases were located in anterior mediastinum and 1 case was in posterior mediastinum. Lymphoma (3 Hodgkin's and 3 non-Hodgkin's) appeared as irregular lobulated mass in anterior mediastinum. Neurogenic tumor (2 ganglioneuroma and 2 neurilemmoma) appeared as homogenous density mass located in posterior mediastinum. Among the 4 bronchogenic cysts, 2 were located in retrotracheal area, 1 was located in subcarinal and 1 was in parathoracic area. One case of pericardial cyst was oval shaped cystic mass located in left pericardiac border.
Chronic Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm with Right Coronary Artery Perfused Solely by False Lumen of Asceading Aorta.
Myeong Gu Go, Jong Myung Kim, Kwan Ho Lee, Young Jo Kim, Bong Sup Shim, Hyun Woo Lee, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):159-166.   Published online June 30, 1988
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Dissecting aortic aneurysm is relatively rare in those under 40 years of age without high risk factors. After dissecting aortic aneurysm is occurred, the coronary artery is rarely perfused by false lumen. We present a thirty two-year-old man who showed Debakey type 1 dissecting aortic aneurysm with right coronary artery perfused by false lumen of ascending aorta and with congestive heart failure due to aortic insufficiency without discernible risk factor. Medical and surgical treatment (Modified Bentall's operation) were successfully performed. The pathologic report showed combined cystic medial necrosis. Now he is well tolerated and stable only with anticoagulation during follow up 18 months.
Radiologic Evaluation of Intraabdomenal Masses in Childhood.
Hyuk Po Kwon, Woo Mok Byun, Mi Soo Hwang, Son Yong Kim, Jae Chun Chang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):33-42.   Published online June 30, 1988
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The abdominal tumors in children are different from those of adult. These tumors are the third most common one, preceded by leukemia and brain tumors, in children under 15 years. X-ray examination is the most important method among diagnostic approaches. The role of diagnostic imaging is to identify the precise anatomic location and extent of pathologic process with the minimal number of imaging procedures. 23 cases of abdominal tumors were reviewed in respect of age incidence, site of origin, radiologic findings. The results are briefly summarized as follows: 1. Neuroblastoma was the most common (6 cases) and wilm's tumor (5 cases), choledocal cyst (4 cases), ovarian mass (3 cases), hydronephrosis (2 cases), were descending order in frequency. 2. The most common site was retroperitoneum (60%) Kidney was the single most common site of origin. 3. Radiologic findings. The most common findings of plain radiography was ill defined soft tissue mass and this method was helpful in the presence of calcification especially in neuroblastoma. Ultrasonographic pattern was anechoic (cystic), echoic or mixed pattern, but this method provide less precise anatomical details, nevertheless Ultrasonography was particularly useful imaging modality for the pediatric abdominal tumors. IVP findings were renal displacement, caliceopelvic system distortion or nonvisualization of kidney, these information was helpful in determining the location of tumors. CT scan showed homogenous or inhomogeneous, cystic or solid, mass with their anatomic location. 4. Ultrasonography was the most widely used specific diagnostic method, but had limited value in detecting the anatomic location of tumors. CT scan was superior to ultrasound for determining the extent of tumors.
Radiologic Analysis of Congenital Origin Intestinal Obstruction in Neonate and Childhood.
Mi Soo Hwang, Woo Mok Byun, Son Yong Kim, Jae Chun Chang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):33-42.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Congenital origin intestinal obstruction are important disease due to required emergency operation. So accurate and rapid diagnosis needed for decreased mortality and morbidity. Radiologic must defect to accurate obstruction site and also associated other congenital anomalies. And also embryological basis are very important role to the diagnosis of these diseases. We were analyzed radiologically and clinically 25 cases with congenital origin intestinal obstruction with review of literature. 1. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 6 cases, midgut malrotation 4 cases, congenital megacolon 8 cases, imperforated anus 5 cases, ileal atresia 1 case and duodenal atresia 1 case. 2. Male and female radio was 16:9. Especially on hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 5 cases were male infants. 3. All cases of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis represented string sign and also pyloric beak sign, shoulder sign on UGI. 4. 1 case duodenal atresia showed double bubble sign on simple abdomen x-ray and ileal atresia showed mechanical small bowel obstruction sign with microcolon. 5. On midgut malrotaton, cecum was located in right upper abdomen on 4 cases. And 2 cases were associated with Ladd's band, 1 case with volvulus and 1 case with mesenteric defect. 6. Involved site of all congenital megacolon were localized to rectosigmoid colon. 7. On 5 cases imperforated anus, 3 cases were low type and 2 case high type. Rectoperitoneal and rectourogenital fistula were demonstrated on 4 cases.
Characteristics of Magnetic Resonance(M.R.) and Comprehension of its Imaging Mechanism.
Jae Chun Chang, Mi Soo Hwang, Son Yong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):1-15.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Magnetic resonance (MR) is rapidly emerging technique that provides high quality images and potentially provides much more diagnostic information than do conventional imaging modalities. MRI is conceptually quite different from currently used imaging methods. The complex nature of MRI allows a great deal of flexibility in image production and available information, and key points are as follows. 1. MR offers a non-invasive technique with which to generate in vivo human images without ionizing radiation and with no known adverse biological effects. 2. Imaging mechanism of MRI is quite different from conventional imaging modality and for more accurate diagnostic application, It is necessary for physician to understand imaging mechanism of MRI 3. M.R. makes available basic chemical parameters that may provide to be useful for diagnostic medical imaging and more specific pathophysiologic information which are not available by alternate techniques. 4. M.R. can be produced by number of different methods. This flexibility allows the imaging technique to be applicated for particular clinical purpose. Multiplanar and three dimensional imaging may extend the imaging process beyond the single section available with current CT. 5. Future directions include efforts to; a. Further development of hard ware b. More fastening scan time c. Respiratory and cardiac gated imaging d. Imaging of additional nuclei except hydrogen. e. Further development of contrast media f. MR in vivo spectroscopy g. Real time MR imaging
Radiologic Analysis of Tuberculous Spondylitis.
Mi Soo Hwang, Sun Yong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):95-102.   Published online December 31, 1986
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Among the skeletal tuberculous spondylitis is high incidence and curable disease, if early diagnosis and treatment are possible. We reviewed clinical manifestations and radiologic analysis of 30 cases tuberculous spondylitis from May 1983 to Sept. 1986, at Yeungnam medical center, Yeungnam University. The results were follows: 1. The frequent involve sites were thoracolumbar vertebra. 2. The continuous lesion is 86.7% of the all cases. 3. The most common type was intervertebral type, and lytic and sclerotic lesion were same incidence. 4. Paravertebral abscess, kyphosis and disc space narrowing were demonstrated more than 80.0% of the cases. 5. Computed tomography was more accurate diagnostic method rather than conventional plain study to evaluation of extent of lesion, involvement of spinal canal and cord, and size and location of paravertebral abscess. And CT guided abscess drainage procedure was helpful to diagnosis and treatment. 6. Ultrasonography was helpful to differential diagnosis between paravertebral abscess and other solid mass, and useful to follow up study of paravertebral abscess after treatment.
Ultrasonographic Features of Intra-abdominal Abscess.
Kil Ho Cho, Kyung Hee Jung, Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Chun Chang, Koing Bo Kwun, Hyun Sik Min
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1985;2(1):87-93.   Published online December 31, 1985
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Intraabdominal abscess usually causes distress with fever, leukocytosis, pain and toxicity. Diagnosis of intraabdominal abscess is occasionally difficult and it has high morbidity. However radiologic method, such as ultrasonography, CT scan, or RI scan are helpful to early detection of intraabdominal abscess. Among these methods, ultrasonography is a noninvasive technique and performed without discomfort to patient. And also differential diagnosis between cystic and solid lesion is very easy and sequential ultrasonography in same patient is valuable for the evaluation of treatment effect. We analyzed the ultrasonic features of 48 cases with intraabdominal abscesses and the results are as follows; 1. In total 48 cases, the intraabdominal abscesses were 30 cases, the retroperitoneal abscesses, 5 cases, and the visceral abscesses, 13 cases. 2. The causes of the intraabdominal abscesses were perforating appendicitis (25 cases), postoperative complications (5 cases), pyogenic and amebic hepatic abscesses (13 cases), and the other (5 cases). 3. Round or oval shaped lesions were 26 cases (54%), irregular shape, 18 cases (38%), and multiple abscess formation in 4 cases (8%). 4. The size of the lesions were between 5 and 10cm in diameter in 54% of total 48 cases, and the most frequent feature of the echo pattern of the lesions was cystic with or without internal echogenicity (69%).
A Case of Hepatic Hemangioma.
Si Hwan Kim, Young Hyun Lee, Heon Ju Lee, Moon Kwan Chung, Soo Bong Choi, Chong Suhl Kim, Koing Bo Kwun, Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Chun Chang, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1984;1(1):161-169.   Published online December 31, 1984
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Hepatic hemangioma is a benign neoplastic disease of the liver and characterized by high vascularity and accompanied with bleeding episode. We report a case of giant hepatic cavernous hemangioma and review the literature briefly. A 44-year old female patient was admitted because of palpable abdominal mass, which growing for 15 years. She was diagnosed as hepatic hemangioma by abdominal CT scan and selective celiac angiography. She was performed the left lateral segmentectomy of liver and the pathological report was cavernous hemangioma of the liver.
Takayasu's Arteritis: report of 2 cases and review of literature.
Mi Soo Hwang, Jae Chun Chang, Bong Sup Shim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1984;1(1):145-151.   Published online December 31, 1984
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Takayasu's arteritis is an arteritis of undetermined etiology, which affects the aorta, proximal portion of its major branches, and causes narrowing, occlusion, or aneurismal dilatation of vessel. Authors report 2 cases of Takayasu's arteritis with brief review of the literature.
Foregut Cyst Communicated with Esophagus, Lined by Bronchial Mucosa.
Jae Chun Chang, Kil Ho Jho, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1984;1(1):139-144.   Published online December 31, 1984
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A case of foregut cyst communicated with esophagus and lined by bronchial mucosa is reviewed and its embryologic base of maldevelopment it discussed. It is not always easy to distinguish between digestive and respiratory cyst in mediastinum. There is whole range of intermediate between a cyst with ciliated and one with squamous or columnar mucosa. Origin of this dysembryoplasia is difficult to determine when on consider that the esophagus is covered with ciliated epithelium until the eleventh week of fetal life and that ciliated growth are found on its wall until the sixth month of the fetal life. And we concluded, general agreement is that cysts which have gastric epithelium in whole or in part, represent a distinct type and should be classified as (gastro) enteric cyst, mediastinal cyst containing cartilage were considered definitely as respiratory (bronchial or bronchogenic) cyst.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science