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Mi Wha Kang 2 Articles
Study for Metabolism of Resistant Production in Anticancer drug Resistant Stomach Cancer Cell SNU-1.
Jung Hye Kim, Mi Wha Kang, Jae Ryong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):195-205.   Published online December 31, 1989
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Development of drug resistance in tumors during treatment is a major factor limiting the clinical use of anticancer agents. When tumor cells acquire resistance to anticancer drug, they show cross-resistance to other antitumor agents. In the present study, SNU-1 cell was induced adriamycin 10-7 drug resistance, SNU-1/ADR, in vitro culture system. We got the doubling time and number for viability test during 96 hours by MTT assay. To investigate the cross resistance of various anticancer drugs in human stomach cancer cell SNU-1 and SNU-1/ADR, We compared IC50 (drug concentration of 50% reduction) and the relative resistance (RR). SNU-1/ADR was expressed multidrug resistant with vinblastine (RR;>31.62), vincristine (RR;29.50), dactinomycin (RR;21.37), epirubicin (RR;17.78), daunorubicin (RR;14.12), adriamycin (RR;7.76), and etoposide (RR;4.46), and other drugs, 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and calarubicin, have not cross resistant with adriamycin. There was double minute chromosome in SNU-1/ADR by karyotyping although this change was not seen in SUN-1.
Incidence of the chlamydial conjunctivitis in the newborn period.
Son Moon Shin, Mi Wha Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):23-28.   Published online December 31, 1989
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After application of silver nitrate on every newborn, the incidence of gonococcal conjunctivitis was markedly decreased. But recently neonatal conjunctivitis due to chlamydial infection is increasing, so clinical observation was made on 26 newborn infants who showed eye discharge from June 1st to August 31st 1989. The results were as follows. 1. The incidence of chlamydial infection among neonatal conjunctivitis was 34.6%. 2. The most common age at diagnosis was 6-15days of life and there was no secual preponderance. 3. There was no significant difference on clinical symptoms between chlamydial conjunctivitis and other conjunctivitis. 4. Of 26 infants examined, 16 cases revealed no growth on routine bacterial culture. Of the organism cultured, P. aeruginosa was the most common agent (19.2%) and followed by S. aureus (11.5%) and S. epidermidis (7.6%). In one case of chlamydial conjunctivitis, there was concurrent S. aureus infections. 5. On this study, Giemsa stain did not give significant diagnostic aid of chlamydial conjunctivitis.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science