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Oh Jin Kwon 1 Article
Laparoscopic Extirpation of the Term Sized Huge Ovarian Cyst.
Min Whan Koh, Hyun Cheol Choo, Oh Jin Kwon, Jeong Sook Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2004;21(1):108-113.   Published online June 30, 2004
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A 23 years old single nulligravida woman underwent laparoscopic removal of a huge cystic adnexal mass that occupied her entire abdomen, giving the appearance of a full term pregnancy. After anesthesia, a vertical infra-umbilical incision, 1 cm long, was made and a telescope was introduced through the port to determine the status of the intra-abdomen and the surface contour of the mass. A needle tipped with a laparoscopic suction apparatus was inserted into the cyst through the infra-umbilical port, directly under the mass. Subsequently, 3, 200 ml of cystic fluid was aspirated without spillage. A huge cyst, reaching to the level of the xyphoid process was effectively excised through the operative laparoscopy after prelaparoscopic drainage. Operation time was 140 minutes and hospital stay was 2 days. There were no complications during hospital stay and after discharge. It seems the size of the cyst is not a criteria for the contraindication of laparoscopic surgery.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science