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Ok Keum Lee 1 Article
A study on the accidents of the residents in a rural area.
Pock Soo Kang, Kyeong Soo Lee, Seok Beom Kim, Chang Yoon Kim, Ok Keum Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(2):174-184.   Published online December 31, 1991
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To determine the incidence rate of accidents and its associated factors, a prospective survey was carried out in a rural area of a total of 1,360 residents for 1 year from January 1 to December 31, 1988 in Shin-am Ri, Jungdong Myun, Sangju Kun, Kyeongpook Province. Data for accidents were collected by the community health practitioner who is working at Primary Health Post in Shin-am Ri. A total number of accident cases was 85 among 1,360 persons during one year study period, and annual incidence rate was 62.5 per 1,000 persons. The highest incidence rate of accident was observed in the age group of 30-39 was 179.8. The incidence rate of accident in male was 86.5 which was about 2 times that in female. In male, the highest incidence rate was seen in 30-39 age group and in female, 60-69 age group. The highest incidence rate of accident was observed in spring (29.4%) and summer (29.4%), and the lowest in fall (17.7%). The highest incidence rate of accident was observed in Friday (24.5%) by day of week, and between 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. by time zone. The most frequent use of medical facilities was Primary Health Post (51.8%) and the next was clinic (38.8%). Mean duration of treatment was 9.8 days. The accident occurred in the room and kitchen (23.5%), in the yard and barn (23.5%), on the road (22.4%), and in the rice field and dry field (20.0%). The causes of accident were motor vehicle accident (20.0%), piercing or cutting (20.0%), collision or fighting (12.9%), and poisoning (11.8%) in order of frequency. The most common type of injury was open wound which was 43.5%. The most common tool of accident was farm machine which was 23.5%. The most common injured part of body was extremity 55.3%.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science