- Clinical evaluation of pediatric hand injury.
Jeong Jin Kim, Jeong Cheol Kim, Dong Bo Suh, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(2):202-208. Published online December 31, 1991
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1991.8.2.202
- Hand injury in children was increased due to multiple environmental risks and failed attention of parents to children in rapidly developing society. By the results of this evaluation in 37 cases, it was summarized as follows. First, hand injuries in children most commonly occurs in spring, and occurs more commonly in the children at the age of high activity. The most common level of injury is zone I by microreplantation zone, and zone II by tendon injury zone. The more desirable results were obtained by full thickness skin graft and composite graft if it were possible. For the better functional results compare to adults, the methods and procedures must be constructed after more evaluation with more clinical cases. In the cases of pediatric hand injury, the most important fact is prevention of injury, with the close attention by parents, and the second is appropriate diagnosis and treatment for more functional results.
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- Difference in the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics by age groups of the children who visited a hand center emergency department with a hand injury requiring surgery
Donghun Kwak, Shindeuk Lee, Jinhyun Yoo, Hyunwoong Noh, Yunjun Kim, Insung Kim Pediatric Emergency Medicine Journal.2016; 3(2): 53. CrossRef
- Actinomycosis on left submandibular area: a case report.
Jung Soo Hong, Ki Yeul Kim, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul, Hyeong Ki Hwang, Chung Ki Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):231-237. Published online June 30, 1991
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1991.8.1.231
- Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative and granulomatous bacterial infection characterized by contiguous spread, abscess formation and sinus tract formation. There are four clinical forms according to the lesional site, as 1) cervicofacial, 2) thoracic, 3) abdominal, and 4) disseminated form. Recently, we experienced a case of 54 year-old patient with left mandibular actinomycosis. The pathognomonic findings of actinomycosis is sulfur granule with multiple filaments in Gram-stain and the treatment of actinomycosis is surgical excision of mass or sinus tract with massive antibiotics (esp. Penicillin) therapy for 6 to 12 months.
- Epicanthoplasty.
See Ho Choi, Dong Bo Sun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):24-31. Published online June 30, 1991
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1991.8.1.24
- Epicanthoplasty was performed in 98 patients with the epicanthal fold. Epicanthal fold was classified into three categories-minimal degree, moderate degree, severe degree-according to its severity. In accurate anatomic dissection in medial canthal area, the pathologic mechanism of the formation of the epicanthal fold, I think, are not only the redundancy of skin, but also the early downward insertion of the preseptal and pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi muscle. A new surgical technique is described for the correction of the epicanthal fold. The procedure is simple to perform and uniformly gives good results.
- Palatoplasty with Reconstruction of Levator Sling (Preliminary report).
See Ho Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):49-54. Published online December 31, 1990
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1990.7.2.49
- Ten cleft palate patients were operated with reconstruction of levator sling without pushback for the purpose of not to make raw surface in the anterior portion of hard palate to prevent maxillary retrognathia. Speech was evaluated by using speech assessment list. Maxillary growth was not evaluated due to in-growing age in majority patient. The report will be followed in next chance. We could impose the significance in clinical application of levator sling palatoplasty without any complications but improving speech.
- Reconstruction of Midface Defect with Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Free Flap.
Jeong Cheol Kim, Sang Hyun Woo, Tae Hoon Lee, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(1):173-179. Published online June 30, 1990
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1990.7.1.173
- We report 2 cases of midface defect reconstructed with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous free flap. In these cases, the main points to cover the defects were as follows: 1. For the contour of zygoma and maxilla, it was well preserved without bone graft which was not used for second stage reconstruction. In first case, for application of artificial eyes and in second case, for operation after full development. 2. For the drainage of paranasal sinuses, we made the nostril with skin graft, and it was well preserved without any complications during follow up. 3. It was sufficient to cover the defect with latissimus dorsi muscle well designed before surgery and thick enough to fill the defect. 4. In second case, the remained defect of palate and maxilla was not covered for the appropriate reconstructions after full development. In conclusions, we experienced two cases of midface defect reconstructed with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous free flap without any complication and with good results.
- Microvascular Anastomosis Using Horizontal Mattress Suture Technique.
Sang Hyun Woo, Jeong Cheol Kim, Yung Sik Jung, See Ho Choi, Won Hee Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):71-78. Published online December 31, 1989
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1989.6.2.71
- Horizontal Mattress Suture Technique on Microvascular Anastomosis of rat (body weight: 200-250 gm) femoral artery was evaluated. The present study was conducted to compare the horizontal mattress suture with simple interrupted suture on the suture time, patency rate of the sutured vessels, and the histological changes of surgical site of the vessel wall during wound healing period. The mean suture time of the vessel wall with horizontal mattress suture technique was 15 min 49 sec ± 2.14, which is significantly shorter than that of simple interrupted suture technique. The patency rate of the sutured vessel in both groups was statistically not different each other till post-operative 3rd day but patency rate of horizontal mattress suture was higher than that of simple interrupted suture at post-operative 3rd week. The histological findings such as intimal noss, medial degeneration and intimal regeneration were similar in both groups.
- Augumentation Rhinoplasty Using Autogenous Cranial Bone Graft.
Jeong Cheol Kim, Sang Hyun Woo, Jae Ho Jeong, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(1):133-140. Published online June 30, 1989
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1989.6.1.133
- Augumentation rhinoplasty using autogenous cranial bone graft (outer table) can be used more successfully than other methods. In patients with congenital or posttraumatic severe saddle nose deformity and lateral deviation, cranial bone graft is an excellent method of augumentation. The advantages of cranial bone graft compared with traditional method of bone graft are summarized as follows; 1. Easy to reach donor site 2. Abundance of material 3. Little pain and functional disability 4. Shorter hospitalization period 5. Inconspicuous donor scar 6. No secondary deformity of donor site 7.Appropriate curvature can be obtained by proper selection of donor site. With the above advantages, we conclude that augumentation rhinoplasty using split cranial bone graft is a good method in correction of congenital or posttraumatic deformity of nose.
- Histologic Changes of Rabbit Skin Induced by Progressive Tissue Expansion.
Jae Ho Jeong, Ki Yeol Kim, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):25-30. Published online December 31, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.2.25
- Soft-tissue expansion is a new surgical technique of providing donor tissue in modern reconstructive surgery. This technique provides a quantity of tissue of similar color, texture, and hair-bearing qualities for reconstruction of adjacent defects. It is known that the expanded skin shows several constant histologic changes including the increase in collagen fibers and vascularity within dermis, and thinning of subcutaneous tissue and dermis. In this study, the author observed serial histologic changes of rabbit skin induced by progressive tissue expansion up to excessive expansion of 6 times. The results are as follows: 1. Changes in the thickness of the epidermis was minimal until 3 times of expansion, but slight thinning was observed at excessive expansion state. 2. The thickness of the dermis was progressively decreased, and collagen fibers in the dermis was rapidly increased in early phase of expansion. 3. The vascularity in the dermis was also progressively increased. 4. The skin appendages showed no structural changes even in excessive expansion. 5. The panniculus carnosus showed no atrophic changes and the thickness was maintained in excessive expansion.
- Intraoral Approach and K-Wire Fixation of Zygomatic Tripod Fractures.
See Ho Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):85-92. Published online June 30, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.1.85
- To avoid external facial scar which resulted from ordinary infraorbital and lateral eyebrow incision in surgical treatment of zygomatic tripod fractures, the author used intraoral incision and K-wire fixation method in 37 selected patients. This method contraindicated for the patient with multiple comminuted zygomatic fracture, patient combined with hard palatal fracture, and patient combined with herniated orbital floor fracture. The advantages of this method are simple, no external facial scar, and operate under direct visual field. The postoperative results were satisfactory. Balanced facial symmetry and good cosmetic results were obtained.
- Clinical Evaluation of Microreplantation in the Digital Amputation.
Tae Hoon Lee, Sang Hyeon Woo, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):23-32. Published online June 30, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.1.23
- Finger injuries are becoming more common with the increasing use of mechanical industrial and household appliances. Among the hand injuries, amputation is the serious disaster to the patient. Recently, application of microsurgical technique to the reattachment of amputated digits has been common clinical procedures. We performed microsurgical replantation to the 75 patients with 102 digits from March in 1986 to February in 1988. The following results were obtained. 1. The most common age distribution was third decade and male to female ratio was about 5:1. 2. The ratio of right to left hand was about 1:1 but the dominant to non-dominant hand was about 2:1. 3. The index finger was most commonly injured and the next was middle finger. 4. The most common type of the injuries was the crushing injury and the most common vector was a kind of pressor. 5. The anesthesia was performed in equal ratio between the general and regional anesthesia. 6. The survival rate of micro-replantation to the injuries of the zone II was 77.8% and zone III was 80%. 7. The functional result after replantation at zone II was better than zone III. 8. Micro-replantation was performed in any case of the type of the injury, the severity of crushing and the ischemic time, and the patients requirement was an important factor.
- Use of the Autogenous Calvarial Bone in Craniofacial Bone Graft.
Sang Hyun Woo, Jae Ho Chung, Tae Hoon Lee, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):75-81. Published online December 31, 1987
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1987.4.2.75
- Bone grafts are an integral and important aspect of craniofacial reconstruction. Rips, tibia, and iliac bone have traditionally used as donor site but each of these has various problems, however using to the calvarial bone as a donor site has several advantage. These are as follows; there are abundance of material, easy to reach the donor site through coronal incision, minimal pain of donor area, less functional inability, shorter hospitalization, no need of immobilization, hidden scar at donor site, no secondary deformity and appropriate curvature obtained properly selected. From March to December 1987, we experienced three cases of autogenous calvarial bone graft such as congenital saddle nose deformity, fibrous dysplasia on the right side frontal bone, and deviated nose. The results were very excellent without any significant complication. The detail technique of autogenous calvarial bone graft and its advantages compared with the traditional methods of bone grafts are discussed.
- Continuous Sutures for Microarterial Anastomosis.
Yung Sik Jung, See Ho Choi, Jae Ho Chung, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):237-241. Published online December 31, 1986
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1986.3.1.237
- In clinical microsurgery, limitation of space often prohibits rotation of a double clamp in an end-to-end anastomosis, or shortage of length of the secondary vessel in an end-to-side anastomosis does not allow visualization of the back wall. In these situation, back wall repair is extremely difficult. To overcome this problem, we use continuous suture technique without rotation of double clamp for end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis of the 40 rat femoral arteries. After continuous sutures for micro-arterial anastomosis, the following results were obtained: Continuous sutures are useful in anastomosis where there is unavoidable limited access to the posterior wall and for some of the larger vessels now being anastomosed in free flap and other reconstructive surgery.
- Surgical Treatment of Pressure Sores.
Yung Sik Jung, Tae Hoon Lee, Jung Hyun Seul, See Ho Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1985;2(1):31-38. Published online December 31, 1985
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1985.2.1.31
- No abstract available.
- Cryosurgery in the Treatment of Keloids.
Yung Sik Jung, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1985;2(1):23-30. Published online December 31, 1985
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1985.2.1.23
- Keloids are abnormally healed skin wounds that develop in the subpapillary layer of the dermis. They are a lesion with wide, raised and deep scars. They exceed the original dimensions of the wound and grow mounds upon mounds of collagen in a pseudotumor fashion. Their treatment may take several forms such as surgery, intralesional injection of steroid, compression, superficial irradiation, and combination therapy. However, absolute method is nothing until now. Recently, the cryosurgery shows relatively good effect in treatment, so we tried the clinical experience with cryosurgery in the treatment of keloids. Material and methods: During the past 2 years, we treated 20 individuals of the keloids with severe itching and pain. The age ranged from 5 to 45 years old. Only 6 cases were biopsied before and after cryotherapy. The cryosurgery set we used was Toitu model CR 201 N₂O gas (tip temperature in 80℃) and was applied directly on the lesion about 4 to 5 minutes with slight compression. After cryosurgery in keloids, the following results were obtained: 1. It is both quick and easy method. 2. It is causes little or no pain and no loss of blood. 3. Integumentary normalization is rapid. The new scar tissue is smaller, and more elastic and soft. 4. The pain, itching and paresthesia commonly associated with keloid is usually disappeared. 5. Other treatment can be used after cryosurgery. 6. Histologic picture after cryosurgery is similar with the result of steroid injection. 7. The mechanism of the cryosurgery in keloids is the result of the direct tissue destroying action and cryoimmunologic reaction.