- Hepatic portal venous gas in paralytic ileus.
Ji Eun Lee, Min Soo Sohn, Jun Ho Hur, Sun Young Cho, Sun Taek Choi, Young Ho Sung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2014;31(1):56-60. Published online June 30, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2014.31.1.56
- Hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) is a rare radiographic finding associated with severe intra-abdominal disease and fatal outcome. Most cases of HPVG are historically related to mesenteric ischemia accompanied by bowel necrosis. The current spread of computed tomography scan promotes not only the early detection of related severe diseases but also the identification of other causes of HPVG. It has been reported in many non-fatal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, intra-abdominal abscess, bowel obstruction, paralytic ileus, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic sphincterotomy, and gastric dilatation. Among these, paralytic ileus is a very rare condition, with no case yet reported in South Korea. Reported herein is a case of HPVG in paralytic ileus, which was treated well internally and was promptly resolved.
- A Case of Gastric Wall Hematoma and Ischemic Necrosis After Endoscopic Biopsy.
You Min Kim, Jin Sung Lee, Dong Hee Kim, Young Ho Sung, Sun Taek Choi, Hyun Tae Kim, Hyun Wook Lee, Keung Ok Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2010;27(2):159-164. Published online December 31, 2010
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2010.27.2.159
- Hematoma of gastric wall is very rare, and occasionally associated with coagulopathy, trauma, peptic ulcer disease, and therapeutic endoscopy. Ischemic gastric necrosis is also rare because of the abundant anastomotic supply to the stomach, and it is usually associated with surgery and disruption of the major vessels. Endoscopic submucosal injection of hypertonic saline-epinephrine (HS-E) is a safe, cost-effective, and widely used therapy for hemostasis but it may cause tissue necrosis and perforation. We describe a case of gastric wall hematoma with oozing bleeding after endoscopic gastric mucosa biopsy in 71-year old woman with chronic renal failure and angina pectoris undergoing anti-platelet medication. We injected a small dose of HS-E (7ml) for controlling oozing bleeding. Two days later, endoscopy showed huge ulcer with necrotic tissue at the site of previously hematoma. Therefore we should pay particular attention for hematoma and mucosal necrosis when performing endoscopic procedure in a patients with high bleeding and atherosclerotic risk.
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