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Yun Jin Jang 1 Article
Health of Apartment Guards and Associated Factors.
Sang Kyu Kim, Joon Sakong, Jong Hak Chung, Chi Ho Kim, Sang Keun Bae, Yun Jin Jang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1999;16(2):357-363.   Published online December 31, 1999
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The purpose of this investigation was to study the health status of apartment guards and associated factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This investigation was conducted for 1 month starting from August, 1997. Study population in this cross-sectional survey consisted of 182 guards of apartments located throughout the district of Taegu. Each subject completed a questionnaire about his general characteristics, health behaviors, job descriptions, subjective GIT symptoms and somatization and depression using Symptom Checklist-90-Reversion (SCL-90-R) by self administrated questionnaire and personal interview). RESULTS: Study subjects had one or more GIT symptoms(53.3%), somatization symptoms(83.5%) and depression symptoms(79.7%). The mean scores of GIT, somatization and depression symptoms were not different among the age groups and based on marital status, respectively, but, significantly different by education level(p<0.05). The mean scores of GIT, somatization and depression symptoms were not different among the age groups and hased on marital status, respectively, but, significantly different by regular diet and by the subject's health status(p<0.05). The mean scores of GIT, somatization and depression symptoms were not different by duration of shift work, by job tenure and by the number of managed houses but, those of somatization and depression symptoms were significantly different by level of job satisfaction(p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The health statuses of guards at apartments were different from other shift workers because of health worker effects and characteristics of their jobs.


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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science