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Yun Woong Chung 1 Article
Mutiple Primary Malignant Tumor.
Su Jung Lee, Yun Woong Chung, Hong Jin Kim, Bo Yang Suh, Koing Bo Kwun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):221-230.   Published online December 31, 1988
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Though the occurrence of multiple primary malignant tumor is a rare finding but the reported cases of it has increased in recent years. We collected multiple primary cancer of different organ, tissue and the multicentric origin of bilaterally paired organs. This paper reports 6 cases of multiple primary malignant tumors which were experienced at Yeungnam university hospital in Taegu during the past 2 years with review of journals. The results were as follows. 1. The incidence of multiple primary cancer was 0.31% for 2 years (1987-1988). 2. The ratio between male and female was 1:1 and mean age of incidence was 54.1 years. 3. The ratio between synchronous and metachronous (interval more than 6 months) was 1:1. 4. The time interval between first and second cancer was average 2.7 years in metachronous cases. 5. The most frequent involved organ was stomach, breast and colon in order of frequency. 6. The incidence of familial cancer associations was found in one out of 6 cases. 7. The test of DNCB, multitest CMI and ratio of T4 to T8 were performed in 4 cases but there was no definitive evidence of abnormality. We concluded that every effort should be made to discover the presence of synchronous malignancies in the patients who are being treated for a known tumor, and also special care should be given to detect new metachronous lesions is required.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science