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Zee Ihn Lee 1 Article
Microsurgical DREZotomy for treatment of intractable central pain in patient with spinal cord injury.
Zee Ihn Lee, Seong Ho Kim, Sang Ho Ahn, Sung Ho Jang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2002;19(1):49-54.   Published online June 30, 2002
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The central pain in patient with spinal cord injury is a common and disabling sequelae. The microsurgical DREZ(Dorsal Root Entry Zone)otomy is a surgical procedure effective in the treatment of intractable pain and spasticity in spinal cord injured patients. It consists of a microsurgical lesions performed in the ventrolateral region of the dorsal root entry zone at the selected levels. This report presents one case with incomplete paraplegia patient, who had chronic central neuropathic pain ineffective to many conservative treatments in bilateral T10 and right T11 segments and both lower extremities, is relieved from the pain after microsurgical DREZotomy. In conclusion, microsurgical DREZotomy is one method of effective treatments for spinal cord injured patients with intractable central neuropathic pain.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science