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Volume 8(1); June 1991
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Plantigrade Foot.
Jong Chul Ahn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):1-11.   Published online June 30, 1991
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No abstract available.
Healthy City Porject through Primary Health Care Approach.
Pock Soo Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):12-23.   Published online June 30, 1991
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No abstract available.
Original Articles
See Ho Choi, Dong Bo Sun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):24-31.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Epicanthoplasty was performed in 98 patients with the epicanthal fold. Epicanthal fold was classified into three categories-minimal degree, moderate degree, severe degree-according to its severity. In accurate anatomic dissection in medial canthal area, the pathologic mechanism of the formation of the epicanthal fold, I think, are not only the redundancy of skin, but also the early downward insertion of the preseptal and pretarsal portion of orbicularis oculi muscle. A new surgical technique is described for the correction of the epicanthal fold. The procedure is simple to perform and uniformly gives good results.
Effect of adenoidectomy on dentofacial skeleton in naso-respiratory dysfunction children.
Hee Kyoung Lee, Jang Soo Seo
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):32-41.   Published online June 30, 1991
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This study was made to investigate the effect of adenoidectomy on dentofacial skeleton in naso-respiratory dysfunction children. The clinical material compromised the 24 children in a previous study who had naso-respiratory dysfunction and 24 children who were the nasal breathing with normal occlusion. The cephalograms were taken at the initial examination and 1 year later for the control group and experimental group the paired sample statistical analysis was performed. The results were as follows. 1. In cranial base variable, difference between two groups were not statistically significant. 2. In craniofacial variables, experimental group showed brachyfacial pattern but control groups didn't show significant growth pattern. 3. In maxillary variables, experimental group showed flattening the plane. 4. In mandibular variables, experimental group showed the decrease of mandibular plane angle and gonial angle. 5. In facial height variables, experimental group showed horizontal growth rotation.
Comparison of the results of multistix®-SG and comber-9-Test®RL urine dipstick assay.
Dae Chul Kim, Kyung Dong Kim, Bo Chan Jung, Chung Sook Kim, Kil Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):42-52.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Two types of urine dipstick assays, Multistix-SG and Comber-9-Test RL, were compared for compatibility, accuracy, specificity and predictive values of a positive and negative test in 501 patients' urine and artificially prepared specimen. We found that the results of semiquantitative tests of Multistix-SG and Comber-9-Test RL performed were statistically similar in patients' specimen. The urinary leukocyte esterase tests of Comber-9-Test RL assays compared with urine sediment microscopy in regard to compatibility, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of a positive and negative test 83.7%, 48.1%, 90.3%, 47.4% and 90.1%, respectively. The urinary nitrite tests of Comber-9-Test RL assays compared with urine culture tests, in regard to compatibility, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of a positive and negative test were 90.3%, 19.4%, 84.7%, 53.8% and 94.1, respectively. For the urinary protein, the sulfosalicylic acid method was the most sensitive test for any kinds of protein, and Multistix-SG appeared more sensitive than Comber-9-Test RL for the albuminuria. For the urinary bilirubin and glucose, two dipstick assays were similar in their diagnostic efficiency. Finally in the urinary occult blood tests, Comber-9-Test RL assays was more sensitive than Multistix-SG.
Antibacterial effects of immunoglobulin alone and in combination with ciprofloxacin against pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Yeul Oh Sung, Hee Sun Kim, Tai Il Jeon, Sung Kwang Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):53-62.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Experiments were performed in mice (Balb/C) to support the basic efficacy of the human immunoglobulin (IgG) preparation. The antibacterial activity of IgG purified from human sera was examined with or without the quinolone agent, ciprofloxacin (CPFX), against Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from clinical specimens. Results were as follows: Antibacterial activities in terms of percentage of survivors, after administration of Ps. aeruginosa into mouse intraperitoneal cavity were in the following order, single IgG group, CPFX administration after IgG pretreatment group, IgG and CPFX combined administration group and CPFX alone group. The number of living bacteria was monitored in blood and liver tissue of mice infected with Ps. aeruginosa and treated by IgG administration. The increase of living bacteria in liver was more drastic than that in blood. Leukocytosis was observed in mice injected with IgG, excluding those only with ciprofloxacin, after 8 hours of administration to see a decrease to normal number of bacteria after 18 hours. No significant difference was noticed between pretreatment group and post treatment group. In vitro susceptibility test of IgG against Ps. aeruginosa, minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was 250 µg/ml, resistant to IgG, regardless of a combined administration with CPFX. In vitro test revealed that the IgG itself did not have anti-Ps. aeruginosa activity.
A study on the fetal umbilical artery doppler blood flow velocity waveforms in normal pregnancy.
Cheol Seong Bae, Gee Jin Kwun, Doo Jin Lee, Yoon Kee Park, Sung Ho Lee, Kil Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):63-71.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Noninvasive techniques of antenatal detection of the fetal development and well-being such as biophysical profile, non-stress and stress remain major challenges in modern obstetric practice. To obtain and analyze umbilical artery velocity waveform by pulsed-wave doppler ultrasound, a total of 160 determinations were carried out on 157 normal pregnant women between 16th to 41st week gestation. The ratio of peak systolic to end-diastolic flow velocity (S/D ratio), pulsatility index and resistance index were measured as indices of the resistance in feto-placental circulation. The results were as follows: As gestation advances, the mean values for peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities raised progressively. As gestation advances, the mean values for the S/D ratio declined progressively, exhibiting high diastolic flow velocity caused by low resistance. Pulsatility index, and resistance index were also declined progressively, as gestation advances. The analysis of umbilical artery blood flow velocity waveforms provides a new noninvasive technique to evaluate fetal development and well-being, and may be expected a reliable method for assessment of fetal life.
Prophylactic intravenous ephedrine infusion during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section.
Bon Up Koo
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):72-78.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Ephedrine sulfate was administrated 30 healthy parturients undergoing elective repeat cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Fifteen patients received ephedrine infusion (0.01% solution, beginning with approximately 5 mg/min) immediately after induction of spinal anesthesia to maintain maternal systolic blood pressure between 90% and 100% of the baseline systolic blood pressure (mean dose of ephedrine 31.6 mg). Fifteen patients (control group) received 20mg of ephedrine as an intravenous bolus, and additional 10mg increments, if necessary, when systolic blood pressure decreased to 80% of the baseline systolic blood pressure (mean dose of ephedrine 26.8 mg). Nausea and/or vomiting occurred in seven women in the control group and on patient in the infusion group (p<0.001). Apgar scores, fetal blood gas tension, and time for onset of respiration was comparable in the two groups. The results suggest that prophylactic ephedrine infusion is safe and desirable in healthy parturients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia.
Study on the changes of nerve conduction with wrist fixation in carpal tunnel syndrome.
Se Jin Lee, Kyung Yoon O, Mee Yeong Park, Jung Sang Hah, Yeung Ju Byun, Choong Suh Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):79-85.   Published online June 30, 1991
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The author studied 20 healthy adults (20 hands) as a control and 30 patients (40 hands) with carpal tunnel syndrome to evaluate the clinical usefulness of measuring nerve conduction velocity after wrist flexion in diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. The median nerve conduction velocity over wrist to finger segment was measured before and after wrist flexion for 1, 2 and 5 minutes, using belly-tendon method for motor nerve distal latency (MNDL) and antidromic method for sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV). The results were as follows: 1. In control group, MNDL increased in 1 hand and SNCV decreased in 2 hands after wrist flexion. In patient group, MNDL increased in 2 hands and SNCV decreased in 3 hands after wrist flexion. 2. In both control and patient group, there were no significant changes in mean values of SNCV and MNDL between before and after wrist flexion. 3. Phalen's wrist flexion test was positive in 5 percent of control and 60 percent of patient group. 4. Tinel's sign was present in 10 percent of control and 33 percent of patient group.
A clinical study of acute carbon monoxide intoxication.
Kyong Chan Choi, Mee Yeung Park, Jung Sang Hah, Yeung Ju Byun, Choong Suh Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):86-97.   Published online June 30, 1991
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To obtain the basic data of prognosis of acute carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication, one hundred and sixteen cases of CO intoxication defined by carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and admitted via emergency room of Yeungnam University Hospital from Oct. '85 to April' 89 have been clinically analyzed and evaluated, including delayed postanoxic encephalopathy (DPE) and the following results were obtained. 1. The ratio of male to female was 1:1.5 and mental state was drowsy mostly (26.2% of 116 cases) 2. The more disturbed the mental state, the more decreased was the arterial pH and PaCO₂, which may be the result of metabolic acidosis. 3. The early laboratory findings in patients of CO intoxication were as follows: leukocytosis-65.5%, increase of hematocrit-23.3%, hyperglycemia-19.8%, increase of GPT-19.8% increase of creatinine-0.9% and glucosuria-12.1%. 4. The early findings of EKG were abnormal in 35.3%: change of rhythm-25.0%, abnormal ST segment 15.5% (change of rhythm and abnormal ST segment-5.2%) but the conduction disorder was not present. 5. The abnormal EEG above mild degree was 93.1%, of which moderate was most frequent (80.2%). 6. The incidence of DPE was 7.8% among all admitted CO patients. DPE cases had long duration of exposure time (8 hours), severe leukocytosis (20,000) and an abnormal EEG (MA).
Study of pH and gas analysis of umbilical arterial blood and apgar score as indicators of newborn health.
Dae Hyun Cho, Mi Na Lee, Min Whan Koh, Tae Hyung Lee, Sung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):98-106.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Apgar score is most widely used evaluating indicator of newborn health, but it is very subjective. Umbilical cord blood gas analysis is more objective and effective than Apgar score in evaluation of newborn status. Cord blood gas was changed slightly by processing of time after fetal birth. This study was undertaken to observe objectiveness and effectiveness of umbilical arterial blood gas analysis and effects of time interval of cord clamping to newborn health with 122 pregnant women and their babies. We observed following results: 1. There were poor correlation between Apgar score and umbilical cord arterial blood analysis in evaluating of newborn health (P>0.05). 2. There was no clinical significance of Apgar score or umbilical arterial blood gas analysis as single indicator in evaluating of newborn health (P>0.05). 3. Gas analysis and pH of umbilical arterial blood was more helpful in evaluating of newborn health than Apgar score. 4. There were no significant effects of time interval of umbilical cord clamping to newborn health. 5. If there were no indications of early umbilical cord clamping, cord blood sampling at immediately after birth without cord clamping was more effective to evaluate newborn status.


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  • Assessment of the Value of the Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Parameter as Indicator of the Neonatal Condition
    Jeong Min Lee, Hoon Bum Shin, Young Bae Choi, Na Mi Lee, Dae Yong Yi, Sin Weon Yun, Soo Ahn Chae, In Seok Lim
    Perinatology.2018; 29(1): 8.     CrossRef
Morbidity pattern and medical care utilization behavior of residents in urban poor area.
Pock Soo Kang, Kyeong Soo Lee, Chang Yoon Kim, Seok Beom Kim, Jun Sakong, Jong Hak Chung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):107-126.   Published online June 30, 1991
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The purpose of the study was to assess the morbidity pattern and the medical care utilization behavior of urban residents in the poor area. The study population included 2,591 family members of 677 households in the poor area of Daemyong 8 Dong, Nam-Gu, Taegu and 2,686 family members of 688 households, near the poor area in the same Dong, were interviewed as a control group. On this study the household interview method was applied. Well-trained interviewers visited every household in the designated area and individually interviewed heads of households or housewives for general information, morbidity condition, and medical care utilization with a structured questionnaire. Individuals were interviewed from 1 to 30 December 1988. The major results were summarized as follow: The proportion of the people below 5 years of age was 4.2% of the total study population and 5.5% were above 65 years of age in the poor area. This was slightly higher than in the control area. The average monthly income of a household in the poor area was 403,000 won versus 529,000 won in the control area. Fifty-eight percent of the residents in the poor area and sixty-one percent in the control area were medical security beneficiaries, but the proportion of medical aid beneficiaries was 7.8% in the poor area and 4.6% in the control area. The 15-day period morbidity rate of acute illnesses was 57.1 per 1,000 in the poor area and 24.2 per 1,000 in the control area. Respiratory disease is the most common acute illness in both areas. The most frequently utilized medical facility was the pharmacy among the patients with acute illnesses in the poor area. Among them 58.1% visited pharmacy initially while 38.4% of the patients in the control area visited a clinic. Among persons with illnesses during the 15 days, 8.8% in the poor area and 4.6% in the control area did not seek any medical facility. Mean duration of utilization of medical facilities was 3.5 days in the poor area and 3.3 days in the control area. Initially of the medical facilities in Daemyong 8 Dong, The pharmacy in the poor area and the clinic in the control area were most commonly utilized. The most common reason for visiting the hospital was 'regular customers' in the poor area and 'geographical accessibility' in the control area. The one year period morbidity rate of chronic illness in the poor area was 83.0 per 1,000 population and 28.0 per 1,000 in the control area. Disease of nervous system was the most common chronic illness in the poor area while cardiovascular disease in male and gastrointestinal disease in female were most prevalent in the control area. The most frequently utilized medical facility was the pharmacy among the patients with chronic illnesses in the poor area. Among them 24.2% visited the pharmacy initially while 34.7% of the patients in the control area visited the out-patient department of the hospital within a 15-day period. Among the patients with chronic illnesses 34.9% in the poor area and 16.0% in the control area did not seek any medical facility. Mean duration of utilization of medical facilities was 9.2 days in the poor area and 9.9 days in the control area within a 15-day period. Initially of the medical facilities in Daemyong 8 Dong, the pharmacy in the poor area and the hospital in the control area were most commonly utilized. The most common reason for visiting the hospital, clinic, health center or pharmacy in the poor area was 'geographical accessibility' while the reason for visiting herb clinic was 'good result' and 'reputation' in both areas.
Use biologic fibrin adhesive in otologic surgery: compared with ammonium sulfate fibrin adhesive and tissell®.
Hyung Chul Lee, Mi Gyeung Yang, Mun Heum Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):127-135.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Successful middle ear surgery requires the availability of al safe, effective bonding material. Side effect caused by synthetic materials have led to the use of biologic adhesive, However, they carry the risk of transmission of infectious diseases if they are prepared from pooled human blood. The adhesive strength of ammonium sulfate fibrin adhesive produce an adhesive strength that is half that of the homologous commercial product. It is, however, good enough for use in several otolaryngological operations, tympanoplasty, facial nerve repair, reconstruction of ossicles. Reconstruction of posterior wall of ear canal and obliteration of frontal sinus and mastoid antrum using bone dust.
Effect on the management of postherpetic neuralgia.
Bon Up Koo, Dae Pal Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):136-141.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Fifteen patients was analyzed on effect of the management of postherpetic neuralgia by local anesthesia on the special region at pain clinic in Youngnam University Hospital. The results were on follows: 1) The frequency of occurrence of sex and the lesion side were similar in all patients. 2) The age of incidence was between 50 and 70 years old. 3) The most frequent site of lestons was the neck. 4) There was no relationship between age and treatment time. 5) Whole patients was done average 7-10 time local injection.
Transcultural research for mental health between the rural population of Nepalese and Korean.
Young Uck Kim, Seung Douk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):142-153.   Published online June 30, 1991
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In order to make transcultural research for mental health centered on anxiety and depression between two countries of which psychosocial factors are different, the author studied 698 Nepalese in Dolka in January 1990 and 417 Korean of Chungdo and Kyungju in Korea from July to August 1990 by using the Combined Self-Rating Anxiety Depression Scale (CSADS). The author applied t-test and ANOVA to compare these two groups. The results were as follows: The total scored of Nepalese scored 51.27±11.10 while Korean Scored 44.29±11.79. The anxiety-depression scores relating to the items of restlessness, depressed affect, apprehension, crying spells and fatigue were significantly high in Nepalese, while fatigue, sleep disturbance, dissatisfaction, dizziness, and anxiousness were significantly high in Korean. Both groups showed an increase of score with age. The item relating to education, the scores of the CSADS was significantly high in lower education level in Nepal but Korean showed no significant difference among education level. The score of the CSADS above 50 (clinically significant level) was seen in 361 (51.7%) Nepalese and 116 (27.9%) Korean, which shows the proportion of Nepalese are significantly higher than that of Korean.
Hematological reference values in the healthy adults.
Young Jin Kim, Myung Soo Hyun, Hyun Woo Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):154-165.   Published online June 30, 1991
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To establish the hematological reference values in the healthy adults visited our hospitals, following examination were done on 2823 persons by Coulter Counter Model S-plus II ; white blood cell count (WBC), red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), meant corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), red cell distribution width (RDW), platelet, plateletcrit, mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW). The following results are obtained. 1) Male, mean value of WBC; 6,800±2,680 (2SD)/µl Female, mean value of WBC; 5,950±2,380 (2SD)/µl 2) Male, mean value of RBC; 428±60 (2SD)x104/µl Female, mean value of RBC; 415±56 (2SD)x104/µl 3) Male, mean value of Hb; 15.4±1.8 (2SD) g/dL Female, mean value of Hb; 13.0±1.6 (2SD) g/dL 4) Male, mean value of Hct; 45.3±5.0 (2SD)% Female, mean value of Hct; 38.2±4.6 (2SD)% 5) Male, mean value of MCV; 93.8±5.8 (2SD) fL Female, mean value of MCV; 92.2±7.4 (2SD) fL 6) Male, mean value of MCH; 31.8±2.2 (2SD) pg Female, mean value of MCH; 31.4±2.8 (2SD) pg 7) Male, mean value of MCHC; 34.0±1.2 (2SD)% Female, mean value of MCHC; 33.9±1.2 (2SD)% 8) Male, mean value of RDW; 12.7±1.0 (2SD)% Female, mean value of RDW; 12.6±1.4 (2SD)% 9) Male, mean value of Platelet; 242.9±87.8 (2SD) X103/µl Female, mean value of Platelet; 242.2±89.0 (2SD) X103/µl 10) Male, mean value of Plateletcrit; 0.201±0.076 (2SD)% Female, mean value of Plateletcrit; 0.204±0.076 (2SD)% 11) Male, mean value of MPV; 8.20±1.70 (2SD) fl Female, mean value of MPV; 8.36±1.82 (2SD) fl 12) Male, mean value of PDW; 16.1±0.8 (2SD)% Female, mean value of PDW; 16.0±0.8 (2SD)%
A study of dose distribution in postoperative radiotherapy in uterine cervical cancer.
Sei One Shin, Sung Kyu Kim, Myung Se Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):166-177.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Uterine cervical cancer is the most common malignancy in Korean women. In spite of recent development of early diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, about 40% of treated patient will develop relapse. So more aggressive local treatment such as more extensive surgery and higher radiation dose and administration of systemic chemotherapy will promote the curability but treatment related complications cannot be avoidable. We used 22 cases of early cervical cancer, treated with surgery and post-operative radiotherapy, clinical data of these patients were analyzed to determine relationship between clinical parameters and final outcome. Three out of 22 cases revealed relapse and one patient showed rectovaginal fistula and another patient showed small bowel obstruction and the other patient showed rectal obstruction. Two out of three recurrence were stage IIa and the other one case was stage Ib adenocarcinoma with lymphovascular involvement. Nineteen out of 22 cases were followed without remarkable side effect or treatment related complication or sequelae. We concluded that out treatment policy was safe and effective to eradicate high risk postoperative cervical cancer with acceptable side effects or complication.
Experimental proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Young Hoon Park, Bong Hwan Lee, Duk Kee Hahn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):178-190.   Published online June 30, 1991
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The authors performed experimental study to produce proliferative vitreoretinopathy by intravitreal injection of homologous fibroblasts in pigmented rabbits. Twenty four eyes of 12 rabbits were divided into control and experimental groups. In experimental group, the eyes were pretreated with expanding gas, perfluoropropane for the vitrectomy. In control group, no such procedure was preceded. In both groups, 5.0×10⁴, 1.0×10⁵ and 1.5×10⁵ cells of homologous fibroblasts were injected into the vitreous cavity. All the eyes were observed regularly with indirect ophthalmoscope followed by fundus photography. Those eyes were enucleated in 1, 2, 4 weeks for the light and electron microscopic studies. The development and severity of the proliferative vitreoretinopathy were correlated with the numbers of the injected fibroblast. This was more pronounced in the experimental group.
Case Reports
Three cases of meconium peritonitis.
Young Hwan Lee, Soo Ho Ahn, Son Moon Shin, Young Soo Huh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):191-197.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Meconium peritonitis is an aseptic peritonitis caused by spill of meconium in the abdominal cavity through one or several intestinal perforations which have taken place during intrauterine life or early neonatal life. We experienced three cases of meconium peritonitis with ileal perforation in two cases 1 day-old male neonate and 2 day-old male neonate, respectively, which had the chief complaint of vomiting and abdominal distension. Literatures are reviewed, briefly.
Case reports of bone grafting in unilateral alveolar-palatal cleft patients.
Yun Ho Bae, Jae Hyun Park, Myeong Jin Lee, Chang Gon Lee, Byung Rho Chin, Hee Kyeung Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):198-205.   Published online June 30, 1991
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We obtained successful functional and esthetic results by grafting of iliac marrow-cancellous bone in 2 cases of alveolar-palatal cleft patients. Bone graft of alveolar-palatal clefts provide bony support to adjacent teeth of cleft area, prevented from relapse of orthodontic arch expansion, closure of oroantral fistula and improvement of speech problem. 1. In one case, extraction of upper right central incisor that was little bone support, alignment of rotated teeth and expansion of collapsed arch segment were done with pre-orthodontic treatment. The other case. Bone grafting was done after removal of prosthesis with no pre-orthodontic treatment. 2. After mucoperiosteal incision in cleft area, the mucosal flap of labial area, palate and nose were separation and the raised nasal mucosa was sutured for closure of oroantral fistula. Then, the iliac marrow-cancellous bones were grafted to cleft site. 3. After 6 months of operation, we had seen the new bone deposition to cleft site in dental radiograph and prosthetic treatment of missing teeth were done.
Treatment of bone tumors with a custom-made prosthetic replacement.
Hyun Kug Shin, Jae Sung Suh, Jong Chul Ahn, Joo Chul Ihn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):206-214.   Published online June 30, 1991
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We treated three cases of bone tumors-giant cell tumor, chondroblastoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma-with a custom-made prosthetic replacement. The patients were followed from 10 months to 18 months, postoperatively. The results of these study are as follows: 1. Satisfactory anatomic restoration 2. Early ambulation 3. Good function 4. Biomechanically sound reconstruction
A case of piroxicam-induced photosensitive dermatitis.
Ki Hong Kim, Jong Cheul Kim, Yong Myo Park, Dong Hoon Shin, Jong Soo Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):215-219.   Published online June 30, 1991
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We report a case of piroxicam-induced photosensitive dermatitis in a 54-year-old female. She had taken oral piroxicam and was exposed to the sunlight on her way home for a few minutes. Several hours after the sun-exposure she developed well-defined, confluent, erythematous plaques and numerous vesicobullae with pruritus and prickling sensation on the sun-exposed areas. A phototest was done on her first visit. The minimal erythemogenic dose (2 J/cm²) of ultraviolet (UV) A was markedly decreased whereas that of UVB was within a normal limit. Visible light irradiation for 30 minutes did not cause skin lesions. Six months after the initial skin lesions, a photopatch test with 1% and 10% piroxicam solution followed by UVA (10 J/cm²) irradiation showed positive responses on both concentrations.
MR imaging of internuclear ophthalmoplegia due to cerebrovascular diseases.
Suk Hee Kim, Young Ki Lee, Jung Sang Hah, Young Ju Byun, Choong Suh Park, Sun Yong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):220-230.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a conjugated gaze disorder characterized by impaired adduction on the side of a lesion involving the medial longitudinal fasciculus with dissociated nystagmus of the other abducting eye. Six patients with INO (who had clinical cerebrovascular diseases) underwent MR imaging and the results were as follows: 1. The MLF lesions were identified by MR imaging in 5 cases 2. The ratio of unilateral INO to bilateral INO was 5:1 3. The nature of lesions was infarction in 4 cases and hemorrhage in 1 case 4. The sites of MLE lesion were in the midbrain in 4 cases and in the pons in 1 case 5. All 5 cases of INO identified by MR imaging had other lesion sites in addition to MLE lesion.


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  • A Case Report of Idiopathic Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
    Ye-Jin Eom, Chul-Hee Hong
    The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology.2016; 29(3): 177.     CrossRef
Actinomycosis on left submandibular area: a case report.
Jung Soo Hong, Ki Yeul Kim, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul, Hyeong Ki Hwang, Chung Ki Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):231-237.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative and granulomatous bacterial infection characterized by contiguous spread, abscess formation and sinus tract formation. There are four clinical forms according to the lesional site, as 1) cervicofacial, 2) thoracic, 3) abdominal, and 4) disseminated form. Recently, we experienced a case of 54 year-old patient with left mandibular actinomycosis. The pathognomonic findings of actinomycosis is sulfur granule with multiple filaments in Gram-stain and the treatment of actinomycosis is surgical excision of mass or sinus tract with massive antibiotics (esp. Penicillin) therapy for 6 to 12 months.
Two cases of disc internal disruption syndrome.
Jong Hyeung Lee, Myun Whan Ahn, Jong Chul Ahn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):238-245.   Published online June 30, 1991
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The disc internal disruption syndrome is not well known to us, but the following hypothesis is widely accepted in clinical practice. The disc internal disruption syndrome may develop intractable back pain with aggravated of pain, loss of spinal motion with any physical exercise, leg pain, loss of energy, marked weight loss, and profound depression. The patient with this syndrome will be found to have normal plain roentgenograms, myelograms, CT scans, results of blood examination and neurologic findings. For these reasons, this syndrome was frequently diagnosed by abnormal discographic findings. We had experience with two cases of disc internal disruption syndrome with clinical, roentgenographic and discographic evaluations. Thus we present these case with a brief review of the concerned literature.
A case of otopalatodigital syndrome.
Kyeong Jong Choi, Sung Hyung Lee, Sun Jin Eun, Kei Won Song
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):246-251.   Published online June 30, 1991
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In 1962, a case of “generalized skeletal dysplasia with multiple anomalies” was reported by Taybi as a new clinical syndrome. The most characteristic features of the syndrome seemed to be hearing loss, cleft palate and peculiar digital anomalies, so, the syndrome designated as otopalatodigital syndrome by Dudding, et al. Recently, the authors have experienced a case of OPD syndrome who visited Yeungnam University Hospital with the chief complaint of hypernasality, and underwent pharyngoplasty for correction of VPI. We present here a new case and review the literature on the subject.
Spontaneous involution of subfoveal neovascularization.
Young Hoon Park, Duk Kee Hahn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):252-258.   Published online June 30, 1991
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Majority of the eyes with subfoveal neovascular membrane loss the central vision. We observed two patients who regained significant central vision as the result of the involution of subfoveal neovascularization. On follow-up fundus examination, the subretinal lesions revealed grayish neovascular membranes stained with fluorescein, but did not show the fluid leakage. And subretinal hemorrhage and subretinal fluid were gradually resolved. We assumed that functioning retinal pigment epithelium within the macula and young age were the important factors of the spontaneous improvement of visual outcome.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science