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Enteritis cystica profunda with lipoma in the second portion of the duodenum: a case report
Beom Jin Shim, Seung Keun Park, Hee Ug Park, Tae Young Park
J Yeungnam Med Sci. 2022;39(1):72-76.   Published online June 9, 2021
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  • 3 Web of Science
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Enteritis cystica profunda (ECP), a rare and benign condition, is defined as the displacement of the glandular epithelium into the submucosa and more profound layers of the small intestinal wall leading to the formation of mucin-filled cystic spaces. ECP frequently occurs in the ileum or jejunum and is associated with diseases such as Crohn disease and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. ECP also develops in the absence of known pathology. ECP in the duodenum is very rare and mostly occurs without associated conditions. In this report, we present a rare case of ECP without an associated disease, in the second portion of the duodenum distal to the ampulla of Vater and coexisting with lipoma within the polypoid lesion.


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  • L’entérite kystique profonde
    Axel Dréau, Clémence Barthomeuf, Marion Balesdent, Mathurin Fumery, Charles Sabbagh, Denis Chatelain
    Annales de Pathologie.2024; 44(1): 65.     CrossRef
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    Sheenam Azad, Brijesh Thakur, Seema Acharya, Shefali Kamboj, Rajiv Kumar Azad
    Indian Journal of Medical Specialities.2024; 15(1): 63.     CrossRef
  • Enteritis cystica profunda: Case report and literature review
    Ricardo E. Núñez-Rocha, Felipe Girón, Mario Latiff, Carlos Eduardo Rey, Lina Rodríguez, Juan David Hernández
    International Journal of Surgery Case Reports.2023; 106: 108148.     CrossRef
Case Reports
Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in an ankylosing spondylitis patient
Sukki Park, Ji Hyun Lee, Joon Sul Choi, Hyun Woo Kim, Beom Jin Shim, Won Kyu Choi, Sang Hyun Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2018;35(1):89-93.   Published online June 30, 2018
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Idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (INCPH) is a disease with an uncertain etiology consisting of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension and portal pressure increase in the absence of liver cirrhosis. In INCPH, patients exhibit normal liver functions and structures. The factors associated with INCPH include the following: Umbilical/portal pyremia, bacterial diseases, prothrombic states, chronic exposure to arsenic, vinyl chloride monomers, genetic disorders, and autoimmune diseases. Approximately 70% of patients present a history of major variceal bleeding, and treatment relies on the prevention of complications related to portal hypertension. Autoimmune disorders associated with INCPH are mainly systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. To the best of our knowledge, a case of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) associated with INCPH has not been reported thus far. Therfore, we report our experience of a patient with AS accompanied by INCPH, who showed perisplenic varices with patent spleno-portal axis and hepatic veins along with no evidence of cirrhosis on liver biopsy, and provide a brief literature review.
Mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst naturally drained by esophageal fistula
Soo Ho Park, Seung Keun Park, Sang Hyun Kim, Won Kyu Choi, Beom Jin Shim, Hee Ug Park, Chan Woo Jung, Jae Won Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2017;34(2):254-259.   Published online December 31, 2017
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  • 1 Crossref
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Mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst is a rare complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis. Pleural effusion and pneumonia are two of the most common thoracic complications from pancreatic disease, while pancreaticopleural fistula with massive pleural effusion and extension of pseudocyst into the mediastinum is a rare complication of the thorax from pancreatic disease. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no case reports of mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst-induced esophageal fistula in Korea to date. Here in, we report a case about 43-year-old man of mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst-induced esophageal fistula presenting with chest pain radiating toward the back and progressive dysphagia. The diagnosis was confirmed by an esophagogastroduodenoscopy and abdomen computed tomography (CT). The patient was treated immediately using a conservative method; subsequently, within 3 days from treatment initiation, symptoms-chest pain and dysphagia-disappeared. In a follow-up gastroscopy 7 days later and abdomen CT 12 days later, mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst showed signs of improvement, and esophageal fistula disappeared without any complications.


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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science