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Arthrographic Evaluation in Developmental Dislocation of the Hip: Comparison Between Hip Arthrogram and Operative Findings.
Se Dong Kim, Yun Seok Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(2):263-274.   Published online December 31, 1998
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One of the main purposes in the treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip is to achieve and maintain concentric, congruent, and stable reduction. The arthrogram perform an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of developmental dislocation of the hip. The arthrogram provides much information about the soft tissue status of the hip joint. Limbus and ligamentum teres is exactly evaluated so we can plan the reduction and treatment before operation. 18 preoperative hip arthrograms of 17 children treated for developmental dislocation of the hip from 1992 to 1998 were reviewed. The limbus, ligamentum teres and transverse acetabular ligament were compared with the pathoanatomy seen at the time of open reduction. Arthrography proved reliable in identifying the limbus and ligamentum teres. So we recommend that arthrography must be performed before closed or open reduction. Also, we recorded the radiographic parameters: acetabular index, acetabular floor thickness, center edge(CE) angle of Wiberg, and Y-coordinate. The center edge(CE) angle of Wiberg obtained from arthrography was measured more accurately than from simple roentgenograms because the ossification of the femoral head was frequently located eccentrically in the developmental dislocation of the hip.
The cervical spinal fractures : comparison of the sites and incidences according to the causes and the types of the injuries.
Jae Ho Cho, Kil Ho Cho, Woo Mock Byun, Sun Yong Kim, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(1):114-126.   Published online June 30, 1993
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The fractures of the cervical spine are relatively uncommon, but they may cause serious neurologic deficits temporarily or permanently. So, it is very important to treat the patients early by way of exact evaluation for the sites and the mechanisms of the injuries. The authors reviewed retrospectively 188 cervical spinal fractures in 100 patients from Sep. 1984 to Aug. 1990. Commonly involed levels were C5 and C6 in lower cervical level and C2 in upper cervical level and the sites in each spine were body; lamina and odontoid process. The hyperflexion injury was the most common type of the cervical spinal fractures occupying 53% of all cervical fractures and cause more multipe fractures(2.26 fractures/patient) than in hyperextension (1. 68 fractures/patient). In hyperflexion injuries, body, transverse and spinous process were commonly involved but lamina fracture was relatively common in hyperextension injury. The dislocations associated with fractures were developed most commonly in hyperflexion injury and 70% of these were anterior dislocation and the most commonly involved levels were C5-6 and C6-7. In conclusion, hyperflexion injury needs more close examination for the entire spinal levels than injuries of other mechanisms because it results in more severe fractures with or without dislocation and relatively frequent multiple fractures in different levels.
Clinical observation and treatment of fracture-dislocation of talus.
Dong Chul Lee, Se Dong Kim, Hae Hoon Jung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1992;9(2):302-311.   Published online December 31, 1992
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Talus is an important structure of the ankle joint and its function is critical for ambulation and weight bearing. The talus fracture is rare, but the complications of fracture and dislocation are serious and resulting in avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis. So its treatment is carefully considered at initial status. Authors reviewed 11 cases of fracture and dislocation of the talus treated at Yeungnam university hospital from 1984 to 1991. The longest follow up was 8 years and shortest, 1 years. The results were as follows. 1. There were all males, the average age was 30 years old. 2. The most common cause was fall down (8 cases), and next traffic accident (2 cases), sports injury (1 case). 3. According to Marti-Weber classification, 1 case was type I, 1 in type II, 4 in type III and 5 in type IV. 4. The method of treatment were open reduction and internal fixation in 6 cases, the others were closed reduction in 5 cases. 5. Final results (by Hawkins grading system) were as follows, 3 cases were excellent, 4 cases were good, 1 case was fair and 3 cases were poor. 6. Complications were AVN in 2 cases, degenerative arthritis in 8 cases, malunion in 1 case. 7. The range of motion of the ankle joint was relatively preserved (74%), but in the subtalar joint it was decreased (43%)

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science