Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease of unknown cause involving multiple organs and is characterized by noncaseating granuloma. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease characterized by increased peripheral platelet destruction due to the presence of an antibody to the platelet and abnormal platelet production. There is no known pathogenesis that occurs concurrently with ITP and sarcoidosis. However, considering together of 2 known pathogenesis, abnormal immune response triggers either ITP or sarcoidosis. The disease that develops first stimulates secondary disease. After development of secondary disease, they stimulate each other. A few cases of ITP associated with sarcoidosis are well documented in English; however, the disease has rarely been reported in Korea. Here, we report on a case of ITP with sarcoidosis in a 29-year-old man. He suffered from easy bruising. The chest X-ray and the contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan showed bihilar lymphadenopathy and reticulonodular infiltrates. Bone marrow study and fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous needle biopsy were performed and the patient was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and ITP. He was put on 400 mg/kg of intravenous immunoglobulin for 5 days and administered oral steroids and further follow-up will be carried out. He has shown a good response without significant bleeding event. However, administration of more oral steroid and additional follow-up is required than for single disease, whether sarcoidosis or ITP.
Hemolytic disease in a newborn that causes early jaundice is common. It is often due to the Rh (D) and ABO incompatibility, but rarely due to unexpected antibodies. Among these unexpected antibodies, the anti-Di(a) antibody rarely occurs. The anti-Di(a) antibody was observed in the serum and red-cell eluate of an infant, and in the serum of his mother. The frequency of the appearance of the Di(a) antigen in the Korean population is estimated to be 6.4-14.5%. This paper reports a case of hemolytic disease in a newborn associated with the anti-Di(a) antibody. A full-term male infant was transferred to the authors' hospital due to hyperbilirubinemia the day after his birth. The laboratory data indicated a hemoglobin value of 11.6 g/dL, a reticulocyte count of 10.6%, a total bilirubin count of 14.4 mg/dL, a direct bilirubin count of 0.6 mg/dL, and a positive result in the direct Coombs' test. Due to the identification of an irregular antibody from the maternal serum, an anti-Di(a) antibody was detected, which was also found in the eluate made from the infant's blood. The infant had been treated with phototherapy and intravenous immunoglobulin since the second day after his birth and was discharged due to an improved condition without exchange transfusion. Therefore, in cases of iso-immune hemolytic disease in a newborn within 24 hours from birth who had a negative result in an antibody screening test, the conduct of an anti-Di(a) antibody identification test is recommended due to the suspicion of an anti-Di(a) antigen, followed by early administration of intravenous immunoglobulin.
We report the result of a high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in a Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura patient with severe abdominal pain and nephrotic syndrom who did not respond to methylprednisolone pulse therapy. Kidney bbiopsy showed diffuse mesangial cell proliferative glomerulonephritis with fibrocellular crescent formation in approximately 50% of glomeruli. Mesangium of all glomeruli were strong positive for IgA and C3 antibodies. High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment was introduced and dramatic improvement of gastrointestinal symptom and proteinuria as well as hematuria was noted. Immunoglobulin administration should be considered in Henoch-Schnlein purpura patients with sterois-resistant intractable dastrointestinal manifestation and renal involvenment.