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Case Report
- A Case of Extraadrenal Pheochromocytoma Showed a Transient Oral Captopril Test Positive Result.
In Bum Lee, Du Ha Lee, Tae Hi Oh, Jong Seon Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):474-482. Published online December 31, 1997
- There have been some case reports of the coexitence of extraadrenal pheochromocytoma and renal artery stenosis. Some reporters proposed that their coexistence may be associated through a common pathophysiological mechanism mediated by catecholamine secretion. Also some noted that trasient renal artery stenosis due to a spasm was induced by the catecholamines released from pheochromacytoma. We report a case of left paraaortic extraadrenal pheochromacytoma that had a transient oral captopril test positive result. After 5 days alpha-antagonist reduced the vasospastic response of catecholamines. After surgical removal of the tumor, plasma catecholamines and urinary vanillymandelic acid concentrations as well as the blood pressure level, were restored to normal.