The congenital cutis aplasia mainly occurs in head, sometimes involving the skull and dura mater. It's cause and the rate of falling ill are not known yet, it is the disease that rate of death is high by the infection, such as, the injured vascular hemorrhange of meningitis. Craniosynostosis is the disease the appears the skull as well as the facial deformity with growing, has from the developmental difficiency, visual distibance, motor disturbance, convulsion to the neurologic impairment of mental retardation, and accompanies the each characteristic deformity follwing the suture fused. Satsifactory results was achieved by local flap surgery and conservative treatment on the infant, diagnosed as the congenital cutis aplasia. case 1 Also successful treatment experiences of craniosynostosis(oxycephaly, brachycephaly, trigonocephaly, cloverleaf deformity) through the frontal bone advancement and the barrel stave asteotomy, were reviewed & pursues and investigates the intracranial volume of before and after of surgery, and then reports with the literature investigation.