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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 10(2); 1993 > Article
Original Article Membrane protein alterations associated with anticancer drug resistance in mouse lymphoblastic leukemia L1210 cells
Seong Yong Kim, Sung Kweon Son, Jae Ryong Kim, Jung Hye Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1993;10:432.
Published online: December 31, 1993
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Multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype is frequently observed in animal and human cancer cell lines selected for in vitro resistance to a single chemotherapeutic agent. It is characterized by the diminished j drug accumulation and is related to the drug efflux mechanism in resistant cells. In the present study, adriamycin resistant cells (L1210-AdR6: 10-6M adriamycin, -AdR5: 10-5M) and vincristine resistant cells (L1210-VcR7: 10-7M vincristine, -VcR6: 10-6M) were produced from mouse lymphoblastic leukemia cell line L1210. Growth profiles of survived cells were observed for 5 days with MTT (thiazolyl blue) assay and resistance was compared with IC50 (drug concentration of 50% survival reduction in absorbance). Resistant cells proliferated more slowly than sensitive cell. Doubling times were 29.7hr in L1210, 68.7 hr in L1210-AdR5 and 58.2 hr in -VcR6. MDRs expressed as resistance factor were as follows, L1210-AdR5 was 76.4 times for vincristine, L1210-VcR6 was 96.4 times for adriamycin. The cell membrane proteins with three different M.W. were recognized to be related resistance, 220, 158, and 88 Kd in L1210-AdR5, 158, 140 and 88 Kd in L1210-VcR6 by SDS-PAG electrophoresis. Cell surface membrane proteins were identified by radio-iodination and autoradiogram. Their molecular weights were 158, 72.8, and 42.4 Kd in L1210-VcR6.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science