- Metastatic eyelid cancer from gastric adenocarcinoma.
Ji Yoon Jung, Eun Joo Goo, Jae Chang Lee, Jay Song, Sung Ae Koh, Kyung Hee Lee, Young Kyung Bae
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2016;33(2):142-145. Published online December 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2016.33.2.142
- Gastric cancer is the most common cancer in Korean males and can easily spread to distant organs such as the liver, lungs, brain, or bones. However, skin metastasis, particularly of the eye, is rare. Metastatic eyelid cancer is extremely rare; metastases from internal organs have not been reported so far. We recently experienced a patient with metastatic eyelid cancer from adenocarcinoma of the stomach. A 62-year-old female was admitted with a right upper eyelid mass and foreign body sensation. She had a history of stomach cancer of 3 years. She was treated by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for pathologic fracture. After receiving supportive care for 2 years, the mass appeared on her right pupil. Punch-biopsy of the mass was performed and histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma, the same as the initial histological result. We report this case with a review of related literature.
- Photoelastic analysis of the Stress distribution on an intervertebral disc.
Hyun Kug Shin, Jae Chang Lee, Myun Whan Ahn, Jong Chul Ahn, Joo Chul Ihn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(2):223-239. Published online December 31, 1989
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1989.6.2.223
- To observe the change in the status of stresses according to three different postural angulation of an intervertebral disc with or without nucleus pulposus, 6 specimens of a 3-dimensional photoelastic model of the spine were made of epoxy. The nucleus pulposus portion was replaced with silicon in three models, and the three were made without silicon. Through axial application of a vertical compressive load of 8 kg, the peculiar patterns of the isochromatic fringes were observed. Stresses on the intervertebral disc were analyzed according to three different postural angulations of the intervertebral disc with the nucleus pulposus and without the nucleus pulposus. The results of these study are as follow: 1. In an erect neutral posture with the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Also, the high stress was concentrated at the medial and central portion. In an erect neutral posture without the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the anterior portion rather than at the posterior portion and the stress distribution seemed to be locally concentrated. 2. In a maximal flexed posture, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Comparing the presence of the nucleus pulposus with the absence of the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was lower at the anterior portion in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. However, the stress distribution at the posterior portion was nearly same in the two groups. According to the analysis of the stress distribution diagram, as a whole, the stress pattern around the disc was evenly distributed. 3. In a maximal extended posture, the higher concentration of the stress distribution at the anterior and medial portion rather than in the posterior and lateral portion was observed. The stress concentration was higher in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. 4. Comparing the maximal flexed posture with the erect neutral posture, the stress concentration in the flexed posture was much decreased in the posterior portion rather than in the erect neutral posture, and an even distribution of the stress pattern in the flexed posture was observed. 5. In the presence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the flexed posture was much decreased compared with the extended posture. In the absence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the extended posture was much decreased compared with the flexed posture.
- A Case of Separation of the Symphysis Pubis in Association with Delivery.
Sae Dong Kim, Joo Chul Ihn, Jae Chang Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):201-203. Published online December 31, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.2.201
- Separation of the symphysis pubis in association with delivery is very rare. The Korean orthopedic and obstetrical literature pertaining to this syndrome is absent. The physiological widening is small and asymptomatic, but a separation of more than one centimeter may occur and in usually symptomatic. A twenty-six-year-old woman of separation of symphysis pubis associated with delivery was treated successfully with the treatment of reduction and pelvic band, with absolute bed rest in the lateral decubitus position.
- The Treatment of Tibial Shaft Fractures by Interlocking Nailing.
Jae Chang Lee, Jae Sung Lee, Myun Hwan Ahn, Sae Dong Kim, Joo Chul Ihn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):61-67. Published online June 30, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.1.61
- The treatment of tibial shaft fracture has become one of the most controversial subjects in orthopedic surgery. Comminuted, segmental and rotationally unstable fractures or bone defect at fraction site have problems of the fixation. The interlocking nail solve these problems. We have experienced 8 cases of the tibial shaft fractures treated with interlocking nail from 1986 to 1988. Authors analyzed these cases and out own clinical study. The results were as follows. 1. The average bone union rate was about 15 weeks. 2. The interval between operation and crutch walking was 4.3 weeks. 3. The merits of this operation were the short hospitalization and early adaptation of social activity. 4. The advantage is be able to do early ambulation without following muscular atrophy or joint stiffness. 5. The results were assessed on clinical examination and radiographic appearance by Hamza et al. An excellent results were 7 cases and good result was 1 case.