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Jeong Mi Lee 1 Article
Usefulness of the BACTEC MGIT 960 System for Mycobacterial Culture and TB Ag MPT64 Immunochromatographic Assay to Identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Seung Hun Lee, Min Jeong Lee, Jeong Mi Lee, Su Jin Yim, Seung Jun Lee, You Eun Kim, Yu Ji Cho, Yi Yeong Jeong, Ho Cheol Kim, Jong Deog Lee, Sun Joo Kim, Young Sil Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2012;29(2):83-88.   Published online December 31, 2012
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This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of the BACTEC MGIT (Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube) 960 system for mycobacteria culture and immunochromatographic assay to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in positive MGIT culture. METHODS: Mycobacteria-culture-positive cases were retrospectively analyzed from December 2010 to July 2011. The detection rates and the recovery times of the mycobacteria between the Ogawa media and the MGIT were compared. An immunochromatographic assay (ICA) (SD BIO-LINE) was also performed in the positive MGIT culture for identification, and the results were compared with those of the Ogawa media in the Korea National Tuberculosis Association. RESULTS: Among the 261 patients (M:F, 168:93; mean age, 61.6+/-17.16 yrs), 450 specimens (sputa, 365; bronchial washing, 61; and pleural effusion, 24) were found positive with mycobacteria. Mycobacteria were grown both on the MGIT and Ogawa media in 310 cases (68.9%); only on the MGIT in 115 cases (22.6%); and only on the Ogawa media in 25 cases (5.5%) (p<0.05).The recovery time was 28.2+/-8.9 days in the Ogawa media and 11.1+/-5.8 days in the MGIT (p<0.05). Among the 127 cases from the positive MGIT culture, all 92 cases that were confirmed as MTB cases bythe Korea National Tuberculosis Association were identified as MTB by ICA, with 100% sensitivity. CONCLUSION: MGIT increases the detection rate and shortens the recovery time of mycobacteria in clinical respiratory specimens, and the TB Ag MPT64 kit using ICA is useful in identifying MTB in a positive MGIT culture.


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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science