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Kae Yong Hwang 4 Articles
Three Cases of Kaposi's Varicelliform Eruption.
Hyun Sug Kim, Kae Yong Hwang, Jong Soo Choi, Ki Hong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):205-210.   Published online December 31, 1987
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Kaposi's varicelliform eruption is a more or less generalized infection of the skin, and sometimes of internal organs, with herpes simplex, vaccinia or Coxsackie virus A 16; it appears in people who have atopic dermatitis or some other skin diseases. There is a predilection for infants and children, but no age-group is exempt. We reported 3 cases of Kaposi's varicelliform eruption with atopic dermatitis. They had characteristic multiple umbilicated vesicles on the sites that atopic dermatitis had been involved. A 14-year-old boy and a 2-month-old infant had fever. A 17-year-old boy had wide-spread vesicles. All three patients showed multinucleated giant cells on Tzanck test, that suggests herpes simplex virus origin. They were treated with acyclovir. Within 1 to 2 days after the initiation of the therapy, new lesions had ceased to develop. Most of the lesions were cleared in 7 days without complication.
Study of the Experimental Dermatophyte Infection in Animals.
Jong Soo Choi, Kae Yong Hwang, Ki Hong Kim, Sung Kwang Kim, Jae Kyu Chung, Soon Bong Suh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):81-87.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Experimental dermatophyte infections are essential for studying dermatophytosis. Induction of standard infections depends on control of three factors-spore dose, scarification, and species of the experimental animals. The authors evaluated the three factors in the experimental infection models, which were inoculated with quantitated spore solution of N.gypsea “+” and A. benhomiae “+” in rabbit, guinea pig, rat, and mouse. The results were as follows. 1. Infection was correlated with concentration of inoculums. 2. In traumatization method, abrasion with knife was the most effective for inoculation, followed by pricking, epilation, and shaving of hair in decreasing order. 3. Rabbit and guinea pig were more susceptible to dermatophyte infection rather than the rat and mouse. However, the mouse was not infected at all. 4. Guinea pig was the proper animal model for experimental dermatophytosis in susceptibility, degree of clinical response, and duration of the infection. 5. A.benhamiae “+” showed more severe inflammation and shorter course the N.gypsea “+”.
Two Cases of Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Betadine(R).
Kae Yong Hwang, Byung Chun Mun, Jong Soo Choi, Ki Hong Kim, Jong Chul Ahn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):387-393.   Published online December 31, 1986
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Antiseptics are substances that kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms when applied to living tissue. They must be effective against microorganisms but must also retain their activity in presence of body fluids without being harmful locally or systemically. Among many antiseptics, Betadine(R) has been widely used because of its low toxicity and high germicidal efficacy. We reported 2 cases of allergic contact dermatitis to Betadine(R) in surgical patients. They had eczematous eruption along the Betadine(R) applying sites. Path tests Betadine(R) confirmed the diagnosis.


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A Case of Metastatic Carcinoma of the Skin.
Byung Chun Mun, Kae Yong Hwang, Jong Soo Choi, Won Hee Choi, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):357-360.   Published online December 31, 1986
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We report a case of metastatic carcinoma of the skin in 62-year-old male who showed multiple nodules on the anterior chest, scalp, face and left axilla for 2 months duration. He suffered from lower abdominal discomfortness for 6 months. Histopathologic findings revealed atypical cell nests and some tubular or glandular formation in the dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue. Material in the lumen showed diastase resistant and PAS positive, and alcian blue positive at pH 2.4, but negative pH 0.4. So it represented sialomucin. We did not find primary site of malignant tumor. In view of clinical and histopathological findings, it was considered to be originated from the large intestine.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science