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Volume 4(1); August 1987
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Characteristics of Magnetic Resonance(M.R.) and Comprehension of its Imaging Mechanism.
Jae Chun Chang, Mi Soo Hwang, Son Yong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):1-15.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Magnetic resonance (MR) is rapidly emerging technique that provides high quality images and potentially provides much more diagnostic information than do conventional imaging modalities. MRI is conceptually quite different from currently used imaging methods. The complex nature of MRI allows a great deal of flexibility in image production and available information, and key points are as follows. 1. MR offers a non-invasive technique with which to generate in vivo human images without ionizing radiation and with no known adverse biological effects. 2. Imaging mechanism of MRI is quite different from conventional imaging modality and for more accurate diagnostic application, It is necessary for physician to understand imaging mechanism of MRI 3. M.R. makes available basic chemical parameters that may provide to be useful for diagnostic medical imaging and more specific pathophysiologic information which are not available by alternate techniques. 4. M.R. can be produced by number of different methods. This flexibility allows the imaging technique to be applicated for particular clinical purpose. Multiplanar and three dimensional imaging may extend the imaging process beyond the single section available with current CT. 5. Future directions include efforts to; a. Further development of hard ware b. More fastening scan time c. Respiratory and cardiac gated imaging d. Imaging of additional nuclei except hydrogen. e. Further development of contrast media f. MR in vivo spectroscopy g. Real time MR imaging
Original Articles
Effects of Trypsin, Collagenase and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on Dissociation of Rat Heart Cells.
Chang Woo Park, Yung Chang Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):17-23.   Published online August 31, 1987
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New born rat heart cells were dissociated using trypsin and/or collagenase to elucidate the dissociation efficiency of these two enzymes. And the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide during and immediately after cell dissociation was also investigated to clarify the so-called protective activity of dimethyl sulfoxide on cell performance. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. Cold trypsin 18 hours pretreatment followed by warm collagenase treatment resulted best cell viability and cell yield. 2. Single warm trypsin treatment gave the poorest result. 3. Dimethyl sulfoxide did not seem to play any protective role during or immediately after rat heart cell dissociation. It had very damaging effect on rat heart cells.
Radiation Effect on Body Weight and Peripheral Blood Picture Induced by Whole-Abdominal X-ray Irradiation with Different Fractionation in Mice.
Sung Heon Lee, Sei One Shin, Myung Se Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):25-32.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The object of this study was to determine the difference of radiation effect in different fractional does and to establish optimal fractionation schedule on the whole-abdominal X-ray irradiation. Total 160 mice were irradiated with 150 KVP, 15 mA orthovoltage x-ray machine and two different fractionation (100 cGy/Fr. and 200 cGy/Fr.) were used. Body weight, hemoglobin and WBC count with differential count were analyzed according to the same amount of total dose, same field size and two different fractionation schedules. The results of this study were summarized s follows: There was no significant difference in body weight and hemoglobin concentration by sex or fractional dose. Leukopenic change was prominent in the 3,000 cGy irradiation group and the proportion of decrease was remarkable in the 200 cGy/Fr. Group than 100 cGy/Fr. Group. Progressive decrease of lymphocyte count and reciprocal increase of neutrophil count were noted as dose increment. The effect of the fractional does on WBC count and proportion of lymphocyte were significant. This suggests that judicious selection of fractional dose may be important in clinical radiotherapeutic practice.
Radiologic Analysis of Congenital Origin Intestinal Obstruction in Neonate and Childhood.
Mi Soo Hwang, Woo Mok Byun, Son Yong Kim, Jae Chun Chang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):33-42.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Congenital origin intestinal obstruction are important disease due to required emergency operation. So accurate and rapid diagnosis needed for decreased mortality and morbidity. Radiologic must defect to accurate obstruction site and also associated other congenital anomalies. And also embryological basis are very important role to the diagnosis of these diseases. We were analyzed radiologically and clinically 25 cases with congenital origin intestinal obstruction with review of literature. 1. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 6 cases, midgut malrotation 4 cases, congenital megacolon 8 cases, imperforated anus 5 cases, ileal atresia 1 case and duodenal atresia 1 case. 2. Male and female radio was 16:9. Especially on hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, 5 cases were male infants. 3. All cases of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis represented string sign and also pyloric beak sign, shoulder sign on UGI. 4. 1 case duodenal atresia showed double bubble sign on simple abdomen x-ray and ileal atresia showed mechanical small bowel obstruction sign with microcolon. 5. On midgut malrotaton, cecum was located in right upper abdomen on 4 cases. And 2 cases were associated with Ladd's band, 1 case with volvulus and 1 case with mesenteric defect. 6. Involved site of all congenital megacolon were localized to rectosigmoid colon. 7. On 5 cases imperforated anus, 3 cases were low type and 2 case high type. Rectoperitoneal and rectourogenital fistula were demonstrated on 4 cases.
Clinical Review of Acute Gastric Anisakiasis.
Pill Young Kim, Moon Kwan Chung, Heon Ju Lee, Chong Suhi Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):43-47.   Published online August 31, 1987
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7 cases of acute gastric Anisakiasis have been reviewed at the Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital from March, 1983 to December 1986. 1. Of 7 cases, the ratio of male and female was 3:4 and the age 30s occupied most (5 cases) the 50s' followed (2 cases). 2. Chief complains were in order of epigastric pain (6 cases), vomiting (3 cases), Nause (2 cases), Ulticaria (1 case) & epigastric fulling sensation (1 case). 3. In all 7 cases, the causative fish in astroconcer myriaster. 4. The onset of symptoms was observed within 5 to 7 hours after eating the causative raw fish. 5. Gastrofiberscopic exam was undergo within 48 hours since onset of symptoms. 6. The gastrofiberscopic findings were gastric mucosal edema and redness in all 7 cases. One case also had mucosal erosion. The involved sites of the stomach were in frequency of order, the body (5 cases), the antrum (2 cases). 7. The symptoms of the patients relieved spontaneously without medical treatment after the extraction of the larva with biopsy forcep during gastrofiberscopy. 8. In Korea, many people take raw fish and there may be many patients of Anisakiasis so if much concern and careful observation are paid to whom with severe cramping epigastric pain after taking of raw marine fish in about 10 hours, we could find out and confirm more patients suffering from Anisakiasis by immediate endoscopic gastrofiberscopy.
Study of Relationship between Histologic Findings and Variation of Number of Mast cell in Psoriasis.
Byung Chun Mun, Jong Soo Choi, Ki Hong Kim, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):49-57.   Published online August 31, 1987
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To evaluate whether mast cells are involved in developing pathologic feature of psoriasis, 60 biopsy specimens of patients with psoriasis were analyzed. They had not been treated for at least 1 week before skin biopsy. Histological findings in early and fully developed lesions and numbers of mast cells in their dermal papillae were investigated. The results were as follows: 1. In epidermal changes of psoriatic lesions, parakeratosis and acanthosis revealed different findings between early lesions and fully developed lesions. While early lesions revealed mounds of parakeratosis and mild to moderate acanthosis, fully developed lesions revealed confluent parakeratosis and moderate to severe acanthosis. In dermal changes of psoriatic lesions, papillomatosis revealed different findings between early developed lesions and fully developed lesions. While early lesions revealed normal to moderate papillomatosis, fully developed lesions revealed moderate to severe papillomatosis. 2. Degree of acanthosis is related to the degree of papillomatosis. The more increase in the degree of acanthosis, papillomatosis, and parakeratosis, mast cell numbers in dermal papillae were more increased. 3. Mast cell numbers in dermal papillae were more increased in fully developed lesions than early lesions. 4. These findings suggest that mast cell may play an active role in developing pathologic finding of psoriasis.
The Observation of Clebopride Malate Effect on Funchional Gastrointestinal Disease by Use of Gastric Emptying Time.
Soo Bong Choi, Kyeong Soon Kwon, Seong Chul Yoon, Moon Kwan Chung, Chong Suhi Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):59-63.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The measurement of gastric emptying time is useful in differentiation of the hypochondriacal neurosis from the functional gastrointestinal disturbance, and also useful in searching the hidden gastro-intestinal disease in patients who are believed as the functional gastrointestinal disturbance. We confirmed in this study that the more delayed gastric emptying time was measured in functional gastrointestinal disturbance compared to normal group, and more shortened gastric emptying time was found after treatment with dopamine antagonist (cleboril) in this group.
Changes in Blood Glucose and Electrolyte During Open Heart Surgery.
Byeung Lyeul Yoo, Heung Dae Kim, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):65-74.   Published online August 31, 1987
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This study deals with the changes in the concentrations of blood glucose and electrolytes during open heart surgery. Blood glucose and electrolytes in connection with age, disease and anesthetic period were measured in 25 patients about to undergo heart surgery which were performed between June 1986 and August 1986 in Yeungnam University Hospital. Because glucose solution is commonly used as priming solution, and the priming solution is hyperglycemic and hyperosmolar, glucose level of priming solution in this study was adjusted to 100-200 mg% level to minimize hyperglycemic and hyperosmolar effect. The following results were obtained. 1. Glucose level of priming solution before extracorporeal circulation was 151.6+31.3 mg%. 2. With body cooing, blood glucose level was elevated. As duration of extracorporeal circulation is prolonged, blood glucose level was elevated more, but no difference between age and diseases were observed. On warning, blood glucose level was progressively lowered. 3. Despite the low serum potassium level during by-pass, the potassium level was progressively elevated following by pass, cut the serum potassium level was low compared to control values. Elevated calcium level was maintained during by pass.
The Positive Rate for Serum Anti-HBs in Korean since the Universal Carrying Out of HB Vaccination.
Heon Ju Lee, Moon Kwan Chung, Chong Suhi Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):75-80.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The positive rate for serum anti-Hbs was analized among 424 0f HA vaccinated and 2035 of non-vaccinated cases at the Yeungnam University Hospital, Computed Automated Med-screening Center. Most of them from Kyungbook province and they had the last HB vaccination in the periods of 3 to 42months prior to this study. The followings were obtained. 1. The positive rates for serum HBsAg were 0.7% in the vaccinees, 9.6% in the non-vaccinated and 8.0% in the whole cases. 2. The positive rates for serum ant-HBs were 66.3% in the vaccinees, 47.9% in the non-vaccinated and 51.6% in the whole cases. 3. The positive rates for serum anti-HBs were 51.4% in the cases with one time of vaccination and 68.6% in the cases with two times of vaccination. On the vasis of these findings the positive rate for serum anti-HBs among the vaccines was significantly higher than of non-vaccinated (P<0.05). The positive rate for serum anti-HBs shortly after vaccination was higher than that of present our study which was made relatively long period after vaccination. As the reason a natural decrease of the titers of the serum anti-HBs can be postulated as one of the contributing factors for the discrepancy. In order to keep to serum antibody of perfect protectivity against HBV, it may be better to check the serum anti-HBs just vaccination, follow up and take booster injection when it is needed.
Study of the Experimental Dermatophyte Infection in Animals.
Jong Soo Choi, Kae Yong Hwang, Ki Hong Kim, Sung Kwang Kim, Jae Kyu Chung, Soon Bong Suh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):81-87.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Experimental dermatophyte infections are essential for studying dermatophytosis. Induction of standard infections depends on control of three factors-spore dose, scarification, and species of the experimental animals. The authors evaluated the three factors in the experimental infection models, which were inoculated with quantitated spore solution of N.gypsea “+” and A. benhomiae “+” in rabbit, guinea pig, rat, and mouse. The results were as follows. 1. Infection was correlated with concentration of inoculums. 2. In traumatization method, abrasion with knife was the most effective for inoculation, followed by pricking, epilation, and shaving of hair in decreasing order. 3. Rabbit and guinea pig were more susceptible to dermatophyte infection rather than the rat and mouse. However, the mouse was not infected at all. 4. Guinea pig was the proper animal model for experimental dermatophytosis in susceptibility, degree of clinical response, and duration of the infection. 5. A.benhamiae “+” showed more severe inflammation and shorter course the N.gypsea “+”.
Morphologic Change of Rat Liver Induced by Repeated Administration of Carbon Tetrachloride and Dimethylnitrosamine.
Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):89-96.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Carbon tetrachloride and dimethylnitrosamine, both potent hepatotoxic agents, affect the hepatic lobules with fatty changes and central necrosis, and hemorrhagic necrosis. To study the effects on morphologic changes of the hepatic lobules in cases of single and repeated treatment of both hepatotoxins, sublethal doses of carbon tetrachloride, 0.4ml/kg, and dimethyl nitrosamine, 40 mg/kg of rats were given introperitoneally single, twice and triple. With interval of 3 days, and the results were as follows: 1. The fatty changes and central necrosis of the hepatic lobules were milder and more quickly disappeared in the rats with twice or triple treatment than single administration of carbon tetrachloride, and regenerative changes of hepatic and sinusoidal cells achieved fater in the rats with repeated administration of carbon tetrachloride than those with single treatment. 2. The hemorrhagic necrosis of the hepatic lobules was not significantly influenced by the times of DMN treatment, but the hyperplastic changes showed more active to animals, with multiple administration of DMN.
Diagnostic Significance of Cold Agglutinin and Antimycoplasma Antibody for Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection.
Chung Sook Kim, Chae Hoon Lee, Chang Ho Jeon, Eun Kyung Bae, Seak il Hong
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):97-103.   Published online August 31, 1987
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A study to evaluate the diagnostic significance of M. pneumoniae Infection by measurements of cold agglutinin and antimycoplasma antibody titers is performed with 191 pediatric patients who have visited Yeungnam University Hospital during the period through January to July, 1987. Forty eight of 191 cases made follow up tests feasible. The results obtained are as follows: 1. It is necessary to perform routine combined measurements of cold agglutinin and antimycoplasma antibody titers for the all pediatric pneumonia caser since a large proportion of pneumonia in children is caused by M. pneumonia. 2. For the diagnosis of M. pneumoniae Infection, measurements of cold agglutinin titer alone seems to be less significant than to check both cold agglutinin and antimycoplasma antibody titers. 3. The measurement of antimycoplasma antibody titer appeared to be more specific than cold agglutinin test in the diagnosis of M. pneumoniae Infection. 4. The present study urges the necessity of follow up study of cold agglutinin and antimycoplasma antibody titer for those who initially presented with normal titers in both tests, but are clinically suspected for M. pneumoniae Infection.


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  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Korean children, from 1979 to 2006-a meta-analysis
    Jin Woo Kim, Hyun Kyong Seo, Eun Gyong Yoo, Sung Jin Park, So Hwa Yoon, Hye Young Jung, Man Yong Han
    Korean Journal of Pediatrics.2009; 52(3): 315.     CrossRef
A Study on Anxiety-Depression in College Freshmen.
Hyung Bae Park, Jin Sung Kim, Chang Su Kim, Byung Tak Park, Jong Bum Lee, Jung Hoon Lee, Seung Deuk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):105-121.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The authors studied anxiety-depression using New Anxiety-Depression Scale (NADS), in the subjects of 3,499male and 1,335 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of NADS during the periods from January to February, 1986, and applied ANOVA and t-test on anxiety-depression scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors, and sexes. The results are as follows: There was significant difference in the mean averages of total scores between male and female students: male students scored 31.49±6.57 female students scored 33.37±6.84 (p<0.001) The anxiety-depression scores relating to the items of sleep disturbance, apprehension, decreased libido, and fatigue were relatively higher in both groups. Ninety-nine male students (2.8%) showed seriously high degree anxiety-depression scores of 50 or higher, while forty female students (3.0%) showed the same scores. There was a strong tendency toward higher anxiety-depression scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, colleges, departments and familiarity of parents, and those who had pessimistic views of self image in the past, present, or future in both groups (p<0.001). The students whose maturation locations were below city level, showed higher level of anxiety-depression scores in both groups (p<0.05). NADS and SAS, SDS, and Leeds scale were correlated significantly in 0.64, 0.61, and 0.77 of correlation coefficient.
Prevalence of Hypertension Among the Aged in Urban Area.
Suck Bum Kim, Pock Soo Kang, Jong Hak Chung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):123-128.   Published online August 31, 1987
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To estimate the prevalence of hypertension among the aged in urban area, the blood pressure was examined on the subjects of 565 men and 762 women of 65 years old and older among the residents of Nam-Ku and Soosung-Ku in Taegu between January and December, 1986. The mean systolic blood pressure was 136.0±25.01 mmHg in male and 133.0±24.56 mmHg in female. The mean diastolic blood pressure was 83.7±14.41 mmHg in male and 82.4±14.43mmHg in female. There was no significant differences between male and female in both mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure. According to WHO category, the prevalence of pure systolic hypertension (≥169/≤95 mmHg) was 7.8% in male and 6.8% in female. The prevalence of pure diastolic hypertension (≥160/≤95 mmHg) was 6.0% in male and 3.9% in female. The prevalence of both systolic and diastolic hypertension (≥160/≤95 mmHg) was 13.5% in male and 12.9% in female. According to Joint National Committee category, the percentage of normal blood pressure (/<90 mmHg) was 46.7% in male and 50.8% in female. The prevalence of mild hypertension (/90=104 mmHg) was 34.5% in male and 34.6% in female. The prevalence of moderate hypertension (/105=114 mmHg) was 5.1% in male and 2.5% in female. The prevalence of severe hypertension (/≥115 mmHg) was 2.3% in male and 2.5% in female. The prevalence of borderline isolated systolic hypertension (140-159/<90 mmHg) was 9.0% in male and 6.6% in female. The prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension (≥160/<90 mmHg) was 2.3% in male and 2.5% in female.
Case Reports
Diagnosis of a Bleeding Meckel's Diverticulum Using (99m)Technetium Pertechnetate Scanning.
Young Soo Huh, Jae Hwang Kim, Koing Bo Kwun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):129-132.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Two cases of Bleeding Meckel's Diverticulum Using (99m)Technetium-Pertechnetate Scanning are presented. (99m)TC-pertechnetate was used in the diagnosis of Meckel's Diverticulum by Jewette et al in 1970 for the first time. The affinity of this isotope for the parietal cell of the gastric mucosa makes it ideal for delincating ectopic gastric tissue. It noninvasiveness can be used in early screening test of occult gastrointestinal bleeding in pediatric age group.
A Case Report of Conn's Myopathy.
Bo Wan Suh, Khyoung Yhun O, Yeung Ju Byun, Choong Suh Park, Hong Jin Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):133-137.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Myopathy in primary aldosteronism in relatively rare disease in Korea. A 42-year-old woman with hypokalemic periodic paralysis, proximal muscle weakness and hypertension was found to have myopathy associated with adenoma in the right adrenal gland. She showed marked elevation of muscle enzymes and myopathic pattern in EMG.
A case of Cryptococcal Meningitis.
Khyoung Yhun O, Yeung Ju Byun, Choong Suh Park, Chang Ho Jeon, Chung Sook Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):139-143.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The clinical picture and CSF findings in cryptococcal meningitis may be identical with those of tuberculous meningitis. The differential diagnosis can be made by finding the budding yeast organism in the counting chamber of in stained smear, the detection of cryptococcal antigen in CSF by the latex agglutination test, and by culture of the fungus on Sabouraud agar. We experienced a case of cryptococcal meningitis in the 48 years old woman, which was confirmed by Indian ink preparation and culture.
Extremity Amputation following Radial Artery Cannulation in Patient with Craniectomy.
Heung Dae Kim, Sun Ok Song, Kyeong Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):145-149.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The technique of radial artery cannulation and its complications are well documented, but serious complications are rare. This is a report of one case of amputation of wrist due to finger necrosis developed from the radial artery cannulation in patient who had craniectomy surgery. This 52-year-old 79 kg male underwent subdural hematoma removal surgery. Right radial artery cannulation was carried out percutaneously using 22 gauge Teflon extracath needle after modified Allen's test appeared to be positive. It was intermittently flushed by heparinized solution. His arterial blood pressure was maintained 100/70-110/80 mmHg and 5 units of banked whole blood and 1 unit of fresh frozen plasma were transfused during 8-hours operation. Cannula was removed on the 9th hour after operation because that was obstructed. On the 12th hour after removal of cannula, his right hand noted to be cool and cyanotic. So, warm towel and hot bag applied continuously on the right hand and the right stellate ganglion block was carried out every day for 4 times. However, on the 10th day after removal of cannula, necrotic change of all fingers of the right hand became worse and skin of fingers were shrunken. Therefore, disarticulation of the right wrist carried out on the 71th day of his hospitalization.
Angle's Class II Division 2 Malocclusion Treated by Bioprogressive Mechanism: Report of a Case.
Sang Kil Byun, Hee Kyung Lee, Byung Rho Chin, Meung Chul Oh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):151-156.   Published online August 31, 1987
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A 25 year and 7 month old man patient who had Angle's class II division 2 malocclusion combined with anterior crowding of upper & lower part was treated by bioprogressive mechanism. After setting out objectives through the use of V. T. O., we programmed a sequence of mechanic. The possible objectives of treatment in the class II division 2 malocclusion can be listed as follows. 1) Relief of crowding & irregularities. 2) Relief of anterior gingival trauma & correction of interincisal inclination. 3) Correction of buccal segment relationship We'd applied the class II intermaxillary elastics, Quad helix, utility arch wire and sectional arch wire in order to achieve anticipated objectives. As compared with pre & post treatment cephalogram, the result accomplished by this mechanics showed to us that interincisal angle was improved and favorable molar relationship was achieved.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Correction of Anterior Tibial Bowing): A case report.
Jae Sung Seo, Joo Chul Ihn
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):157-163.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Osteogenesis imperfecta has been categorized as a heritable disorder of connective tissue affecting both bone and soft tissues and is characterized by fragility of bone, blue sclera, and deafness, less frequently by dentinogenesis imperfect and laxity of ligament. The goals of orthopedic management with osteogenesis imperfecta are the treatment of acute factures and long term rehabilitation in an effort to maintain ambulation. We report a case of osteogenesis imperfecta with anterior bowing of tibia which was successfully corrected by multiple osteotomies and intramedullary fixation by Sofield method and reviewed literatures.
A Case of Eosinophilia with Bronchoalveolar Cell Carcinoma of Lung.
Kyeong Soon Kwon, Young Hyun Lee, Jae Chun Chung, Chong Suhi Kim, Myeun Shik Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):165-171.   Published online August 31, 1987
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The solid and hematologic cancer are occasionally accompanied by peripheral blood eosinophilia and suggest tumor necrosis or wide dissemination, but the mechanisms underlying this curious relationship remain obscure. The association of this eosinophilic leukemoid reaction with carcinoma seems to occur must frequently with bronchogenic carcinoma. Several mechanisms for this association were considered: eosinophil chemotactic factor, eosinophil mediated by T-lymphocyte, and eosinopoietic hormone. We are here reporting a case of bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma of lung associated with peripheral eosinophilia in a 60-year-old male patient.
A Case of Tsutsugamushi Disease.
Shie Hwoa Park, Seong Chul Yoon, Young Hyun Lee, Jae Chun Chung, Chong Suhi Kim, Seak il Hong
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(1):173-176.   Published online August 31, 1987
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Tsutsugamushi disease is an acute, febrile, typhus-like disease of rural Asia transmitted by the bite of larval trombiculid mites. The disease is caused by infection with Rickettsia tsutsugamushi. Recently the authors experienced a case of tsutsugamushi disease which was serologically confirmed. Here we report a case of tsutsugamushi disease which successfully managed with doxycycline and reviewed literatures on it briefly.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science