Mature cystic teratomas, commonly called dermoid cysts, are the most common benign germ cell tumors of ovary in women of reproductive age. Mature cystic teratoma that constitutes 10-25% of ovarian tumors and 95% of teratoma, is germ cell tumor of the ovary. This occurs frequently in women less than 20 years old, but it can be found upto 10-20% in postmenopausal women. And in women over the age of 50, a mature cystic teratoma is likely to change into malignant form. Traditional surgical methods of mature cystic teratoma treatment include transabdominal cystectomy, oophorectomy, hysterectomy and(or) bilateral salphingooophorectomy. Recently laparoscopic approach replaces transabdominal surgeries in many cases. Vaginal removal of mature cystic teratoma is unique and rare. Compared with laparotomy, transvaginal approach is characterized by shorter hospital stay and lower morbidity rate. Compared with laparoscopic operation, transvaginal approach has advantages of no visible operative scar and lower intra-operative tumor spillage. The decision for surgical methods is related with patients' situations and surgeon's preference. We report 1 case of vaginal removal of mature cystic teratoma as a part of vaginal hysterectomy in old age patient.