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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 16(2); 1999 > Article
Case Report Chordoma: A Clinicopathologic Review of 4 Cases.
Joon Hyuk Choi, Young Kyung Bae, Mi Jin Kim, Duk Seop Shin, Kil Ho Cho
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1999;16:369.
Published online: December 31, 1999
1Department of Pathology College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
2Department of Orthopedic Surgery College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
3Department of Diagnostic Radiology College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
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Chordoma is a slow-growing malignant neoplasm arising from the remnants of the primitive notochord. It accounts for 1 to 4% of all malignant bone tumors. It occurs exclusively along the spinal axis. Authors experienced four cases of chordoma occurred in the sacrococcygeal region. There were two male and two female patients, with a mean age of 63.5 years(range. 57~75 years). Tissue was obtained by wide excision in two patients, by incisional biopsy in one patient and by needle biopsy in the other. Adjuvant radiation theraphy was performed on all the patients after their biopsy. The mean diameter of the tumors was 7.6cm(range, 5.5 to 13.0cm). Grossly, tumor was multilobulated, soft and myxoid gelatinous mass. Microscopically, the tumor showed lobulated feature divided by fibrous septa within it. There were physaliphorous cells with vacuolated bubbly cytoplasm. And small uniform, round, and non-vacuolated tumor cells were also present. On immunohistochemical stain, all the cases were immunoreactive for cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen(EMA) and vimentin, respectively. One of the 4 cases was positive for S-100 protein. All the cases were negative for CEA.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science