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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 9(1); 1992 > Article
Original Article A study on anxiety-depression and psychoticism in hospitalized patients.
Jin Sung Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1992;9:54.
Published online: June 30, 1992
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The author studied the mental status of 497 patients admitted in non-psychiatric wards and 42 patients diagnosed as mental disorders by DSM-III-R criteria and admitted in three general hospitals located in Pusan city, using NADS and PSCS. The assessment were obtained from October, 1991 to March, 1992 and the results as follows: The mean±SD of Anxiety-Depression scores were 34.4±10.4 in non-psychiatric patients and 50.0±18.3 in psychiatric patients. The psychiatric group had significantly higher scores than non-psychiatric group. The mean±SD of Psychosis scores were 3.9±4.4 in non-psychiatric patients and 20.3±9.8 in psychiatric patients. The psychiatric group had significantly higher scores than non-psychiatric group. In the psychosocial factors, dissatisfaction in family atmosphere and acquaintanceship with parents (P<0.001, relatively), pessimistic in future, present and past self-images (P<0.001, relatively), and yes in previous psychiatric treatment of admission (p<0.01, relatively) had common significant relationships to Anxiety-Depression and Psychosis scores. There were correlationships between NADS scores and PSCS scores (γ=0.74), past and present self-images (γ=0.45), present and future self images (γ=0.45), past and future self-images (γ=0.34) and family atmosphere and acquaintanceship with parents (γ=0.49) The regression analysis revealed that present self-image, acquaintanceship with parents, future self-image, past self-image, and family atmosphere, in order of significance were to be descriptive or predicable variances for Anxiety-Depression status. The discriminant analysis according to Anxiety-Depression scores showed that the cases of incorrect classification were 22 for non-psychiatric patient group and 2 for psychiatric patient group.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science