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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 24(2); 2007 > Article
Original Article Effect of Sleep on Epileptiform Discharges in Epileptic Patients with Structural Lesion: Based on Routine EEG.
Se Jin Lee, Jeong Sang Hah
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 2007;24:107.
Published online: December 31, 2007
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea.
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It is well known that non-rapid eye movement(NREM) sleep activates the occurrence of interictal epileptiform discharges(IED) in many epileptic syndromes. We performed this study to assess the effect of NREM sleep on IED in epileptic patients with organic brain lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed awake and sleep electroencephalopathy(EEG) recorded simultaneously after partial sleep deprivation in 50 patients. We calculated the awake and sleep spike index (ASI and SSI, spikes/epoch), and the percentage increase of ASI and SSI during sleep. RESULTS: In the 50 patients, the IEDs were recorded exclusively during the awake state in 1 (2%) patient, and during the sleep state in 13(26%) patients. The SSI was higher in 44 (88%) patients, and the ASI was higher in 5 (10%) patients. The mean ASI and the SSI in patients with organic brain lesions were 0.058+/-0.121 and 0.148+/-0.187, and it was 0.081+/-0.150 and 0.174 +/-0.226 in patients without organic brain lesions. There were significant increases in the spike index (P<0.05) during NREM sleep in both groups (n=36), but no significant difference in the percent increase of spike index (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: The IEDs were activated significantly during NREM sleep both in patients with and without organic brain lesions, but there were no differences in the degree of activation in both groups. The activating effect of NREM sleep was not correlated with clinical factors such as, frequent nocturnal seizures, frequent generalized tonic clonic seizures, type of epilepsy and taking anticonvulsants. We conclude that the routine EEG used to evaluate epileptiform discharges in epileptic patients should include sleep recordings after partial sleep deprivation.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science